Watch this cosplaying critic's epic takedown of Disney's catastrophic Star Wars Hotel

Originally published at: Disney's Star Wars hotel disaster revealed in epic YouTube video - Boing Boing


Her review is on the list of

It’s from quite a while ago, obvs, but I really enjoyed her dissection of Ready Player One.


[ article posted by Kevin Kelly ]


I’ve definitely seen a lot of enthusiasm for this video since it was posted, but … geez, four hours!? Did you watch it at normal speed?

Reminds me of the first time I heard of Red Letter Media’s 7-part review of The Phantom Menace – which did turn out to be entirely worthwhile.

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It’s chaptered (much like the Plinket stuff). Nobody says you’ve got to do it in one sitting. But it’s really well put together and draws you in, so you may find, like me, that you want to watch “just one more.”

It’s absolutely worth the time.


I’ve watched her channel for a long time. Her script doctor episodes are fantastic. I didn’t think I’d make it through 4 hours of Galactic Cruiser but it really wasn’t that hard to do. She’s awesome.


Worth the time at normal speed.

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I definitely wouldn’t build a theme park without having her on as a consultant, that’s for sure. I don’t really care about theme parks, but Jenny’s videos are always fun and interesting (well maybe not the ASMR My Little Pony stuff).

Her criticism is good because it’s clear she’s super engaged and very willing to play along. She’s basically the ideal (adult) guest for an experience like this, so if you can’t keep her entertained it’s a good sign you need to go back to the drawing board.


Her channel’s one of my favourites on YouTube, and she taught me an important lesson in engaging with something even when I don’t relate to the subject matter.
Her videos are always excellent, no matter if they’re about bronies, Hallmark’s Youtube channel or the churchplay cinematic universe.

Her delivery and sense of humour are always so subtle, dry and spot on, and she’ll have me laughing out loud in every single video.

I’m just surprised it took this long for this video to pop up here.


From the write up and the replies here, sounds like a good video for me to add to my “listen while working” list.

Disney completely flubbed almost everything with Star Wars. It’s kinda sad. My last Florida trip had me taking a Harry Potter fan and Star Wars fan to both applicable parks. The HP fan was thrilled to see the books and movies made live. Basically live in the world. The Star Wars fan even said “this is like a Dollar Store knockup of the HP experience”. His most exciting part was the $5 Coke bottle. And we didn’t do the hotel because I’ve heard it’s more than a little claustrophobic with the lack of windows, but I offered it.


Thanks for highlighting this amazing piece of media. I watched the video and concur with your surprise at watching the whole thing. I was interested in the hotel, but never expected to watch all four hours.

I also was convinced Disney should hire her. It’s one thing to be a passionate, committed Star Wars nerd. It’s another thing to have such astute business analysis. It’s yet another thing to be able to communicate these ideas in such an articulate and entertaining way.

This is the he kind of compelling, niche content what our new media eco-system promised but so rarely delivers anymore.


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