Watch this experiment on mice squeezing through tiny holes

Cats don’t typically get toxoplasmosis unless they have contact with another cat or animal that is infected. And the general recommendation is to keep cats indoors anyway, but if someone has a cat that splits their time indoors and out it’s up to the owner to be responsible to test their pets for various diseases and parasites regularly.

Taking pot shots at cats for toxo is low hanging fruit. I’m sure i can think of a list of diseases and parasites a dog can bring into a household too.


Most cats who aren’t ill or as @Medievalist notes, properly socialized, shit in boxes. Some, indoor/outdoor cats, shit outside.

Toxoplasmosis is most certainly a problem for people with compromised immune systems, especially, but then they don’t have to be the ones cleaning up the cat poop or they can have an outdoor cat or not own a cat.

Have you tried spraying it with a hose? That’s a neighbor problem, honestly. I’d talk to them and see if they will keep the cat inside.

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Maybe I’m not getting old; maybe I’m just getting more mouse.

Toxoplasmosis is a subtle drug.



I figured that was a Canadian accent, eh?
On the serious side: give teh mouse a night or two and he’ll easily chew the hole open enough to get to the food.

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It’s also a problem for pregnant women or in fact just about anyone.

So it can go next door and crap in the immuno-compromised neighbour’s strawberry patch.

Yeah, that’s my plan. No idea where the cat is from though.

Only cats shit outside eh?


Ask around or maybe just call animal control. If it’s tagged or has a chip, the owner can be notified.

I’m sorry for being stupid, and I count on BoingBoingers to educate me, but is manure bad for a garden?

Nobody tell him what fish and other animals do in the water. He might be able to take the shock.

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Mostly it doesn’t carry brain parasites.

Cats are the only top level predators that transmit brain altering parasites to humans that are sustained at artificially high levels through human assistance that shit in my garden.

In the UK, owners have very little legal responsibility towards their neighbours as regards the actions of their cats.

Then call animal control as you clearly view it as a problem. Let them sort it out.

There’s a variety of diseases that can be just as readily passed along to people, even removing cats from the equation entirely. Singling cats out seems more like needless paniced pearl-clutching.

Also if someone has a compromised immune system and they’re rooting around their garden i think they aren’t long for this world regardless.

Now if you specifically don’t want cats using your lawn or garden as a bathroom that’s something else entirely and i can understand why you don’t like it. I personally have had more of a problem with people letting their dogs shit all over lawns and not picking it up.


Everybody knows you shouldn’t try to catch a Mose. They’re dangerous.


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