Watch this teacher's brutal resignation speech to her school board

Except that the message they seem to be going for is ‘no one cares.’

They’ll probably give her an insulting nickname though.


In Kansas, the Shawnee Mission Board of Education adopted a three-year unilateral contract

Just to be clear: any so-called “unilateral contract” is not a “contract”, it’s a mandate. A real contract implies negotiations, which, after some give and take, implies actual agreement on terms.


Not so sure the time to reverting to what we masses consider normal has passed, maybe long ago.

I (uhh)… benefitted… from an otherwise progressive parochial school that (in spite of the Vatican’s ruling on moving from the Latin mass [as altar boys, we had to memorize the entire Latin missal] to an English one) stuck with ‘tradition’ for a few more years with older staff and ‘leaders’ staying on instead of angrily jumping ship, so we got to learn a few things that, in later years, fell through the church floor cracks! (ex: When you get to heaven, you appear as a 33 year old… Jesus’s age when he was crucified; unappreciated counter-arguments, such as, the absurdity of appearing as a 33 year old if one died as a baby, were roundly shot down.)


Just going to leave this here as a reminder that pre-late-70s Kansas didn’t used to be so bad.


Agreed, except the board voted to make the contract 3 years. The teachers were okay with the measly 1.5% raise if it was one year and they could come back in a year to renegotiate.

This seems almost punitive.

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wow, well that was amazing. and bad ass.


“The district says the offer, which includes step-and-column movement along the salary schedule each year, allocates 79% of the new money the district received from the state’s updated K-12 funding formula to teacher pay.”

I think the norm is 80 to 85 % of school district budgets.

“…even with the 1% base salary increase, many teachers who don’t receive pay increases from step-and-column movement will be taking home less this year than they did last year due to increased healthcare costs.”

here in BC they have just eliminated user fees for healthcare. perhaps a few of the teachers could find jobs here.

Here’s an interesting article on what the GOP did to Kansas


Sort of like a EULA for teachers. Press the “I accept” button or else.


That is what I was thinking. It is more grandios than the city council room in the city I live in wich is one of the largest in the US! That room is ridiculous and indicative of their value structure.


Shawnee Mission was named after a colonialist cultural eradication campaign designed to obliterate the last vestiges of culture from a people who had been slaughtered, forcibly removed from their homeland and thrust into abject poverty. It seems only appropriate that those charged with educating the next generation would carry on the work of their elders.


The Republican former governor, his supporters in the legislature, and his short-sighted tax cut policy definitely made things difficult for public education and the teachers who have dedicated their lives to it. It’s really disappointing to have to watch this.


Hey, at the very least, I think we can agree that there were some inspiring teachers at Indian Woods Middle School. As I recall, when I attended this school in the late '80’s, and though I have naturally forgotten a lot about that place, I can remember having several inspiring teachers. Fortunately, at that time, none of them had to shout into the wind like this for their kids to have a good education.

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Oh snap…

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That’s my thought too, what’s called a “contract of adhesion”, a take-it-or-leave-it contract, which is typically what EULAs and TOUs are.

Well, I’m glad that some folks are going the leave-it route. I bailed out of Flickr/Smugmug because of their terms of use, and good thing I was aware nothing lasts, because they easily wiped my until-then paid account and 6k images.


There will be no clarifying questions; I don’t answer to you anymore.


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