Watch this trick shot artist hit an egg at 300 yards while standing

Fair enough. “Harmlessly shooting non-living targets” might have been better.


Because they have Facebook and Twitter, which is part of why they crave so much drama in the first place. I think one of the side effects of social media proliferation is that it created a way for some of the toxic bullshit that has always been a problem online to find its way into people’s “real life” selves. Making matters worse, while some of that petty nonsense was ersatz and ultimately intended to be funny in the old days, social media exposed a bunch of essentially naive people to it without appropriate context which led a lot of people to think that those things were both serious and acceptable/desirable.

I mean, if you think about it, from a 10,000 foot perspective, does American politics not just resemble a big stupid Facebook argument, and does that not basically just resemble a 90’s forum flame war with real names?


When guns are outlawed, only Joerg Sprave will make YouTube videos.


That guy is a living embodiment of the A-Team.


I want to watch shooting as a sport about as much as I want to watch pooping as a sport. Which is not at all, in case that needs clarification.

Shared with the number of people who asked for my opinion, which is zero.

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No, that is a very different site. Not Facebook even.

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For awhile there, that egg was sweating bullets.

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Coincidentally, somebody was telling a story about competitive pooping just last night…

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Can you elaborate on why she holds her left hand in that configuration?


Tucking your arm into your body to make a triangle adds to stability. The competition shooters will also have wear tightened jackets and padded gloves to absorb your pulse.

She is being a little odd using her fingers instead of her palm, but I think that is because she has to angle the barrel up much more severely due to the massive drop at that range. She has to aim way over the target to get it to arch in on the egg.

Here are some examples of a similar position.

Service Rifle National Match (These ARs weigh a TON with thick, bull barrels, and the forearm and butt stock with lead inserts)

Air rifle. had she been shooting at a “normal” range her hand would probably be more like this.

Fun fact - my dad shot rifle similar to that above air rifle but in .22LR for the Varsity team at Syracuse University.


I’ve been waiting for her gender to come up in this thread, it’s a significant factor in this video’s appeal.

Sure, there’s all the technical artistry that’s genuinely there, and I can’t say anything bad about her marksmanship. The framing seems pretty deliberate, though, how the camera takes in her figure all the way down to the hips. Her cute bouncy demeanor cements my judgement: it’s a good shot, and well made, but it’s still ammosexual in orientation.


The jarring part of this, is that sport shooting like she’s doing is exactly the sector that should be least impacted by better regulation. She might have to pay a little more money in gun insurance than she does now, she may have to keep better paperwork than she does now… But no one I know want to take her guns away from her, or stop her making these videos.

It’s a bit of an ink blot test. Show someone a gun, ask them what they see, find out more than you want to about their politics.


She appears to be filming on a tripod with three angles (back, side, and the egg). None of it looks gratuidous to me. The back angle is wide enough to get the idea that she is in a wide open space shooting at something way off in the distance. Like wise the side angle is set up tight enough so she could comfortable keep the whole rifle within the shot. Nothing stands out as intentionally being titular. Seems to me she is just being a female shooting and should be able to do so with out insinuation she’s flaunting the goods for clicks and likes.

If she was doing any other activity would her “cute bouncy demeanor” be looked down upon or defended?

I still think this whole insurance scheme is ridiculous. If gun ownership was such a risky behavior, insurance companies would already require extra insurance. They already do to a degree for things like theft or fire, as most home insurance policies only cover X amount of lost good like guns and jewelry. Buying life insurance it isn’t even addressed, as it doesn’t significantly raise your likelihood of death. Neither is it a factor in health insurance. Stairs and ladders within your home is significantly more likely to lead to an ER visit or even accidental death, yet also don’t require extra insurance. Combine this with fact it creates a barrier to the poor and I don’t see how one can rationally defend it. It smacks as an idea to punish people.

Well, when people say they want to adopt UK and Australian guns laws, that is exactly what they want, even if they are unaware of it. Perhaps that isn’t want they want, but then they need to ask for different things specifically. Though I have also heard people wanting to ban all semi-auto mag fed rifles.

Though in this specific case the 10/22 is legal in the UK and Australia IIRC. But similar rifles of larger calibers are not. (There is a special license in Australia, but it is basically for very specific pest removal companies, and “professional” shooters. I haven’t been able to nail down numbers, but it seems like this is like a NYC conceal carry permit - impossible to get unless you are one of the elites.)

ETA - oops forgot this. The comment about her being alowed on youtube stems from youtube changing their policy and it was a bit nebulous what that meant. There is another thread about it on the BBS.

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How is this comment not sexist? I’m not talking about calling her an ammosexual. That’s between you and them. I’m talking about bringing up her gender and femininity.


Why does it scream “advertisement” as opposed to “entertainment”? You’d be hard pressed to find any entertainment show that doesn’t hit those same points, the idea is to make it a pleasure to watch. Eye candy is far more common overall in entertainment than guys with beards and guts like Duck Dynasty. This one is actually restrained as far as “Sports Porn” goes, there is an entire genre of girls fishing in bikinis!

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I’m curious, how do you feel about being required to carry car insurance when you drive? It seems perfectly comparable to me.


That’s a judgement call. Kinda like, how flashy a costume in the Olympics is too flashy?

Where firearms are concerned, I like boring presentations. Safety is boring, things that bore me seem safe. Anytime they liven it up with something designed to add visual interest, I worry that safety is going to take a hit. Rocket launches are my favorite example, they don’t need to punch up the banter on the countdown, they get to be as monotone as they like, because the payoff is after they pull the trigger.

Same thing with police cars made from a mustang. Give me a boring old crown victoria any day, those sporty looking mustangs do not inspire confidence in any police agency.

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While it shouldn’t matter what she was wearing, she wasn’t wearing especially revealing clothing. That leaves her personality and body language. It just seems sexist to say a woman is going to cause some problem because she’s bouncy (I’d say she’s more bubbly than bouncy though). Frankly, I don’t think her gender has any place in this discussion, but we’ll agree to disagree.


It isn’t perfectly compatible due to two major reasons:

  1. The frequency of accidents.

  2. The damage caused by said accidents.

Again, if gun ownership were that dangerous, then we would see insurance companies at the very least making significant adjustments due to ownership. And like I said - THEY DO, when it comes to theft or fire, because losing 4 or 5 guns in a fire is too much money for them to cover on a base policy, thus the need for added insurance.

These people aren’t dummies. They are heartless accountants with charts and tables. If they are LOSING MONEY due to covering damages and injuries to something specific that is an outlier, they will make changes to the way they cover things. Like I said, you are many times more likely to die or get injured from falls in the home and a gun accident, yet you don’t have stair insurance.

Safety IS a paramount concern with anything dangerous. She may be perky and more exciting than watching paint dry, but she isn’t being unsafe.