her video title says “trick shot” and the vast majority of her videos say “trick shot” and she calls her shots this… but they are simply highly accurate… extremely accurate shots. she’s not bouncing lead off of plates to pop balloons or anything.
I’m concerned that sharing this video will lead to more poaching.
Please dial it back my dude. You’re really starting to boil my eggs.
Well, then, we should definetly keep access to ARs and other military assault type weapons open to all. I just can’t stomach the thought of someone losing their niche hobby. The horror!
I have a couple of guns and target shoot once in a while. I would gladly give up my M-1 carbine, lovely vintage piece though it is, for a broad ban on semi-auto rifles.
My point merely a reminder of what they were typically actually used for, not their roles in popular culture nor notorious misuse. And not sure it’s really a “niche” hobby given how common it is, but YMMV. It is a nebulous term.
Sorry. Omelet you continue.
Amazing skill. But the comment stream is what’s interesting. Interesting bifurcation between those who desperately need drama (mostly “They want to take away all my guns!”, but also a little, “every depiction of a gun is evil!”), and those who clearly get enough drama in the rest of their life, who think some gun regulation is probably a good idea, but who enjoy sport shooting… or at least recognize that some people enjoy it, even if they don’t.
I think this is what’s infecting America now - the need for drama. Why don’t people just join a community theater?
“Looks like you brought an AR-15 to a drone fight.”
Man, that makes it sound mean.
I wish more of the “trick” shot YouTubers would share some of their misses. I don’t doubt the athletic talent and skill of the Dude Perfect crew, for example, but their videos would be even better with some of the misses they acknowledge happen.
Hurp a durp gerp guns 300 yards x=p +/- xb346c + d √ pi poo poo hurp durp guns 22 AR bump stock durp gurp guns blah blah blah
I dunno. Seems to have worked out fine for those Bundy-types.
I guess if you’re white enough you can get away with anything.
I love .22, and an egg accurate 300 yard shot is insane. It’s not even just her skill at knowing where to hold, you have to imagine that that little (likely) 40 grain round is being buffeted about by every little gust.
Sports shooting still exists in europe. The rules for where you can take your gun (and if you are allowed to own one) are more strict, that’s all.
A fascinating video for me as a european. It somewhat confuses me. Everything about it (the music, the poses, the perfect makeup and hair) screams ‘advertisement’ to me. This makes me not believe her claim that ‘she’ shows all her misses.
Otoh, as people make a living off youtube videos, maybe all youtube videos converge to be styled like ads? She could be a bona-fide sharpshooter (and looking at the rest of her channel I think she probably is) and just style her videos for maximum views.
This same effect is probably at work in all youtube videos, but as gun-enthousiasm is so rare in europe it’s more obvious to me here and less in (say) a Tom Scott video.
We truly live in a brave new world…
You Americans are pretty weird.