Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/03/05/watch-trailer-for-ozark-seaso.html
I like this show, it’s smart.
I bowed out about halfway through season 2. Season 1 was fantastic viewing when they were terrified and just trying to stay alive. In Season 2 they became the bad guys and i struggled to relate to them or sympathise with their cause.
I learned much about money laundering.
Can’t wait for more! I fear for Bateman’s character…
I haven’t yet watched Ozark but it seems a lot of shows follow a similar arc. Breaking Bad, Weeds and Dexter all had arcs where the main character(s) start off doing something illegal as a last resort, but over the course of seasons they’re always offered alternative ways to survive (or in Dexter’s case, the cops would’ve caught the murderer he was after), yet they continue with the illegal stuff by choice. I stop relating, too.
I had a similar experience with Breaking Bad. At first I was rooting for Walt but gradually found myself on Skyler’s side because she was trying to keep the family together and away from Walt’s bad influence.
I think that’s one of the few realistic things that shows like this one portray, though. People can’t be immersed in this kind of corrosive behavior and see people killed, robbed, and laws flaunted and remain a normal level headed human. I agree that you stop relating with the main characters, but it doesn’t make the progression of their character unrealistic or flawed. I think someone shoved into service for the cartel would either gradually become a bad buy themselves or go completely insane.
I’ve not watched Weeds but Breaking Bad and Dexter handled the main guys as bad guys better. For a start the leads were charismatic and likeable. You rooted for them even though they were bad. With Osark I found the leads to be unlikeable and emotionally disconnected.
I rooted for Walt all the way. Even at his worst I was hoping for redemption. Better acting, writing and just the charisma of the Bryan Cranston.

I rooted for Walt all the way. Even at his worst I was hoping for redemption. Better acting, writing and just the charisma of the Bryan Cranston.
Bryan Cranston was top notch in his acting, no doubt, which may have contributed to my gradual dislike for his character. He was very convincing. I watched the series again last year and was pulling more for Jesse the second time around.
Meh, Jason Bateman will always be Matthew Burton for me in the best sitcom of all time.
I enjoyed both shows, but, Dexter and Walt were always bad guys.
I mean, Walt kept getting worse season by season…
…Dexter was always wrong.
Dexter trailed off though, it was the first 2 seasons that were excellent.
I guess I like deeply flawed characters.
I have no need to sympathize.
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