WATCH: Well-trained protection dog

I think the folklore is to stick a finger in its ass… There was a news story recently enough about it:

Definitely +1 on the knee to the chest of a rearing dog. It also works a treat on perfectly friendly large dogs who think jumping up is awesome - with less force than in a life-or-death situation, of course.

The thing with fighting a dog (or any other aggressive animal) and coming out on top is to not loose track of the fact that their best weapon is their body, but your best weapon is a tool. Using anything in hand or near-to-hand to strike with is vastly superior to using your own limbs - getting your bag or cane or stick bitten is miles better than getting your you bitten.

Never mind possible leverage advantage, a weighty striker, hard surface and so forth - your first priority is to Not Get Hurt, not to kill. If it’s a bity animal, keep something in its face, so it has to bite the thing, not you.

Your second priority is to get the animal to stop attacking you. You might be able to do that with sheer counter-force, but an aggressive animal expects direct aggression, and anyone or anything pumped full of adrenaline isn’t feeling pain as acutely. An angry or predatory anyone-or-anything is already willing to risk simple pain in order to hurt you. So unless you’re dangerous enough to break the animal so they can’t attack, simply whacking it is probably not going to pan out.
This is where that knee-to-the chest, or knocking its leg out, comes in. You’re not necessarily injuring it, you’re screwing up its ability to attack, and it has to temporarily come out of aggression mode in order to recover, which may make it rethink.
Another trick, possibly more practical, is again using tools as a shield or at least to restrict the angles the animal can come in at and the parts of your body it can reach. That makes your job of defending yourself easier, and makes its job of attacking you harder - which may make it give up. Getting backed up against a wall seems like a terrible idea, but it’s way better than having the dog come around your back and take your leg out (Seen it, not cool).

The biggest problem is that pieces of shit occasionally abandon their dog nearby. The dog is always terrified which tends to make it very aggressive.

Overall, it’s a great place. Well, I have crossed paths with a rattlesnake a few times. And the elk are constantly damaging things. And the skunks tend to damage things and, of course, smell bad. And there is the never ending stream of brain dead hippies. “Yes, you can get some water from my garden hose because you were too stupid to bring water with you when you went for a 20 mile hike.” “Yes, you can have some duct tape because you were too stupid to bring a puncture repair kit when you went biking in the woods.” “Yes, you 22 year old grown man, you can use my phone to call your mommy to come get you because you don’t understand how to follow a marked trail.”

Let’s go with it’s an interesting place.

Just about everything that can be put behind a spoiler can be found here:
Spoiler thread - Boing Boing BBS


With text we can do spoiler. I’m guessing with no-script that looks clear to you as well?

Text with spoiler has always been blurry until clicked. I’m confused too.

Edit to add: Never mind. I couldn’t see the second image until after an allow all and page reload. …and it appears I replied to myself. Man, I’m really nailing this whole “Internet” thing today.


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