Waukesha Wisconsin school board rejects federal meal program because it will "spoil" families and create a “slow addiction” to the service

That’s so Waukesha!

To clarify, true fact: there’s a town down the road from Waukesha named New Berlin.


Why should they reward people who have made bad inheritance choices?


Been trying to kick this eating habit for decades.


Fucking Right-Libertarians; they live for selfishness, greed and cruelty.


Right libertarians don’t actually believe in liberty, they believe the strong should oppress the weak.


They’re opting out of the program that would provide meals to all students. They’ll go back to the “pre-COVID” program where free and reduced lunches are still available based on income eligibility (oh, and jumping through a few hoops by applying).
So, still stupid and bad, but not “starve the poor” level bad.


Indeed, “Liberty, for me.”

@ClutchLinkey Yeah, just making those in need feel worse about their situation and othering them :cry:


Yep. I can’t remember where I saw it or who said it, but there was a pretty compelling essay by a guy (now on the radio, maybe) who remembered the exact moment he found out he was “a poor” and it was in the school lunch line when the kids in front and behind had to pay, and he didn’t.
I was a benefactor of the reduced/free lunch program. I wasn’t aware enough, though, to realize I was poor, thank goodness!


Even though that’s actually a more efficient way to distribute food to all students since it removes several layers of administrative costs. They school board is choosing to keep a system in place that costs them more money just to ensure that the “wrong” people aren’t getting free food.

Of course every additional hoop they make families jump through leaves some number of kids hungry. For example:

  • There are families with parents who would rather leave their kids undernourished than stigmatized.
  • There are neglectful parents who let their kids go underfed even though they might have a family income above the poverty threshold.
  • There are kids who are so ashamed about being on an income-based food assistance program that they’d rather miss a meal than allow their peers to see them flash a free lunch card.

So “starving the poor” is exactly what will happen in at least some cases whether the people who support this policy want to admit it to themselves or not.


All valid points. I wasn’t making excuses, it seemed like some people posting above hadn’t read the article, just the headline.

Argh, don’t even get me started on that shit. I work on a gov’t program, and we could help so many more people if we could just remove some of these administrative burdens and costs. This experience is probably the final thing that tipped me from “probably in favor” to “fuck yeah, in favor!” of universal basic income.


Our school district is doing this (breakfast too), and we live in a fairly well to do area. A lot of the kids take advantage of the program because school lunches are fun right? (and thus those who need to and those who just want to cannot be told apart on the basis of program use). My kid likes the lunches we make, and decided to not get school lunches this year, but we’ve still used the program when a lunchbox was left on the counter instead of getting packed in a backpack etc…

This honestly just shows that we have the funds to feed kids, and remove social stigmas associated with income, but generally just don’t. I’m guessing some sort of typical american “F- the poor, they probably deserve it because of some imagined moral failing” sort of thing.


Wouldn’t it be awesome to live in a world where a nation’s “wealth” is determined by how the government can afford to provide food for the children of the nation, no questions asked. Because we know that well-nourished kids learn better, leading to more smart people to make things even better?

I’m well aware the government doesn’t provide. Taxpayers do. But surely taking some fair amount of money from the citizens and ensuring everyone has a secure foundation (housing, food, & etc.) which leads to better outcomes for everybody.

Maybe size of government social support would make a better metric than GDP, whatever that means in an everyman sense.


Juat tax it off of the richest 500 americans.

Honestly, we could solve every major financial problem in america if we just taxed the richest 500 people.

“Oh no, if rich people get taxed, they’ll go away!”

Good, they’re a drain on the economy and ruin our infrastructure with overuse. Don’t let the door hit their asses on the way out. Some other rich person will take their place until there’s no more billionaires.


Me too. Fortunately I have some cold turkey in the fridge.


The humiliation is the point.


Waukesha is the hole Scott Walker crawled out of, if that tells you anything.


I’m not sure that Immortan Joe is crazy enough to be trusted anymore. Just look at him, all masked up like a liberal sheep.


The covidiots will overlook it. Those pipes must be pumping in bleach, dewormer or whatever “miracle cure” they come up with next week.


I wonder how many of these soulless SOB’s consider themselves good christian folks? I think he said “suffer the children unto me” not “make the children suffer because of me”.


I think they’re the “Spare the rod, spoil the child” kind of Christians.