Originally published at: “We are all Spartacus if we want to be”: journalist and filmmaker John Pilger dies at 84 - Boing Boing
But can we all be Tony Curtis being Spartacus?
This is a hard but informative watch on the nuclear militarization of two opposing superpowers.
Hope he got a chance to piss on Kissinger’s grave before he went.
Alas Kissinger is buried in Arlington cemetery so he won’t be getting too much peepee treatment.
I’m sure someone will figure something out. Maybe a secret bombing via drone with a water balloon filled with urine.
Drone proceeds to bomb Cambodia
The brave, brave John Pilger, spewing Putin’s talking points just last year here: youtube u9pEotvlW-s
A man who never said anything nice about any Western leader, but found plenty of dictators to say nice things about.
He was great once. But at some point he started believing that anyone who didn’t like the US must therefore be saintly.
“Noam Chomsky Syndrome”
Raise a glass to a life well lived, and a career of real, campaigning journalism, that upset enough powerful people that his life was often in danger as part of his work, and governments constantly tried to discredit his work (and when that didn’t work, they played the man instead of the ball).
I’ll always remember the good work he did for stories that would have easily been forgotten, like the terrible treatment of the Chagos Islanders.
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