'We are desperate — we need more immigrants.' Mick Mulvaney, Trump's Office of Management and Budget chief

a good time to note that an expanded guest worker program and decriminalizing the status of undocumented immigrants would mean those people could demand the proper pay for their work, and safer working conditions.

that would raise wages and decrease healthcare care (emergency room) costs – but at the expense of corporate earnings.

the more draconian the treatment of immigrant workers, the lower the corporate outlay. up to a point where – like now – the source of workers dry up.

republicans typically try to keep that balance of a scared, but readily available immigrant work force. trump has tipped the scale on that by focusing on being more racist than normal for the sake of his own personal political gain


Hospitality, agriculture, meat packing, construction, lots of industries are structured around paying large numbers of immigrants less than legal wages and benefits. With “full employment”, fewer desperate immigrants working under the tables going to be a problem for lots of companies. Americans aren’t going to pick your arugula for five dollars an hour, they’re already working two crappy jobs and driving an Uber.
Mulvaney might be that rare rich man who is aware he’s a parasite and needs a host. Trump would probably just starve to death while pressing his Diet Coke button over and over before he realized that he actually needs the people who work for him.


Wait…that looks like Florida Man!

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  1. People should be able to go where they need to go and be where they need to be. Nobody should be treated like a criminal or an object because they’re on the wrong side of an imaginary line.

  2. If your economic theory says you need an infinitely increasing population to make the equations work, then your economic theory is wrong. Someday, somehow, something bad will happen.


Immigrants have a choice of countries to go to with a choice of leaders.When the US elects leaders, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.


More like pure racism and xenophobia for show, since he married a white blonde foreigner. As long as they look like him and stroke his ego, the accent is “exotic”. He’s what, third generation American himself? As long as he screams against generic brown and black foreigners people buy his hypocrisy because his family is “the right kind of immigrants” (white)


Yeah, but I hear it’s easier to convince racist idiots to fear brown people, vs. teaching them basics about economics…


Craig on similar issues with Brexit (I call it MUKGA):

Learned word: “outwith”.


I fucking hope so.

(I failed again today, obviously. Trying to be a better person is hard in general, but it’s even harder when so many other folks who have actual power are going out of their way to be utterly fucking terrible people.)


Remember to spare some compassion for yourself. You deserve it! :slight_smile:


Or perhaps this is a truly world-class DeepFake: so deep that Mickie decides that he must have really said it

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Time to repost this, it’s as relevant as ever:


Mh, I’d say at the core of it it’s MEGA - Make England Great Again.


I just want to note that as a US expatriate living in Germany, I am seeing more fellow immigrants to Europe in the IT sector. The USA has become very unattractive for a lot of talent.


Really? Gee, it’s not like that’s what they set out to do or anything, right? (/s) Mulvaney is right (words I never thought I would type) but his boss is an idiot, so…


The thing is, I am referring to Americans like myself emigrating. Not just professionals choosing another country over the USA. It seems a real brain drain is happening.


“Beginning in April, an impending change could result in more help being brought in this season.”

“The Department of Homeland Security is expected to announce it’s making 45,000 more H2-B visas available.”

Desperate times Mulvaney? Or do you just need the Md. votes?

Why is it that no 'muricans will take those jobs? Hmmmm


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