Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/28/website-dedicated-solely-to-listening-to-the-song-moon-river.html
If you click on the screen while the lyrics are playing, it displays the lyric that is currently being sung.
I don’t know if there is a leaderboard for how many instances of a lyric you can have on the screen before it fades, maybe they will add that in the next patch.
I love love LOVE this rendition of Moon River by Funki Porcini … and the USB cat is icing on the cake.
In the early 2000’s, I was lucky enough to catch Sarah Brightman’s “La Luna” tour. It was a great show. I remember her wearing a chrome corset and singing while flying over the stage on wires attached to the corset. The front of the stage had a large moon as a centerpiece. For an encore, she came out, sat on the moon, and sang “Moon River” a capella for us. It was wonderful.
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