Wells Fargo is looking for a new CEO

FWIW, I took @smulder’s poll tongue-in-cheek.

I agree with you and @gracchus. I neither hate nor envy people for being rich. I do however despise the greedpigs who pretend they’re self-made after they and their forebearers have spent centuries gaming the system to tilt the pinball machine in their favor. In our system the Venn overlap of the former and the latter increases in probability of correlation the more wealth is accumulated, but there are plenty of selfish paupers and a non-zero number of wealthy people who aren’t outright selfish in their motives.

Of course the biggest hurdle to overcoming classism isn’t who has more chips in the game but rather getting the hundreds of millions of temporarily embarrassed billionaires to understand that the best of intentions are so much piss in the wind of a corrupt system.


I was hoping someone would catch the reference Eddie Izzard. I love him so much.


Oh, right. Post it on the net. That’ll work.
Also, I have an acquaintance that thinks he is a super liberal progressive Democrat yet banks at Wells Fargo and thinks nothing of it. He also is a rabid 9/11 conspiracy theorist.

Can I ride shotgun?

(see 'cuz Wells Fargo is stagecoach themed and they had a guy next to the driver to … nevermind)


I’m down with that, but be aware, he’s the first guy to get shot.

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