WBC is still pissed about what happened to Captain Cook – bringer of Protestant Christian values to all those nasty savages.
“…and every mountain and island were moved out of their places…A shaking of heaven and earth so severe, the islands will be literally undone – the people will perish…”
Since Hawaii is a volcanic chain of islands, and since no species lasts forever, they are not wrong from a geological perspective.
I once had a unnerving conversation with some geologists about the fate of islands formed by volcanoes in deep oceans. They were saying things like:
“Think of these islands as extremely steep mountains, almost completely under water, made of a brittle material prone to fracturing and probably positioned on a fault line or perhaps even on a place where two separate tectonic plates are grinding together. Except while normal mountains only get buffeted by strong winds, these mountains are buffeted by ocean currents which carry a lot more force.”
They were genuinely surprised that in the few hundred years that we’ve had accurate maps of all these islands, there hasn’t yet been a case where an island catastrophically fractures and completely disappears from site, drowning everyone on it who wasn’t lucky enough to be within jumping distance of a boat that wasn’t physically tied to a part of the island that just sank.
I don’t like talking to geologists. I like thinking of the ground as being solid, not as a relatively thin flexible slab of rock floating on a huge ball of molten material.
Don’t think of it as “owning real estate”, think of it as “surfing on tectonic plates”.
The one on the right seems to be cosplaying (poorly) as a biblically accurate angel though
Of course that number is due more to scientists being uncomfortable predicting further in the future, not because they think sea level rise will suddenly stop in 2100. If all humans suddenly died and stopped emitting CO2, most of that sea level rise would still happen because much of it is due to the amount temperatures have already risen. It just takes a while for all that ice to melt.
We’ll sell you a plot in Doggerland.
Doggerland - Wikipedia
… why is that still a thing
… oh you and your “numbers” and “facts”
I didn’t choose that number. I was responding to it. Context:
Because Fred trained these folks in a method of self-sufficiency through antagonism and litigation. Cut off the head and another grows in its place.
I know a nurse who took care of Fred Phelps during his final hospital stay. He was surprised at how kind and friendly Fred was and even described him as grandfatherly. He said Fred’s daughter was another story altogether though. Apparently she wasn’t very nice. I heard elsewhere that Fred mellowed-out in his later years and even said that “good people” lived in the rainbow-painted house across the street from the Westboro church. Regardless, he created the Westboro monster and shoulders the responsibility for the harm they’ve caused over the years.
… Speaking as a directly-related descendant of Capt. Cook who actively cheers when the statues of him are vandalized, I think they need to get over themselves.
These assholes well represent their religion of hatred, cruelty, and selfishness.
Clearly they are ReThugliKKKlanners who support The Orange Haired criminal - TFG - who now has indictments pilin’ up daily.
#TaxTheChurch #NeverVoteRepublican
… before certain big and heavy things appear over them.
There are also active volcanoes and shark-infested waters there, too.
Be a shame if they tragically disappeared without a trace…
In light of recent events on Maui this is 100% less amusing.
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