Whale watching boat crashes into dock in San Diego

“Adventure Hornblower,” indeed.


Slow down, work the rudder.

Christ, that’s sad. How’s the CompactFlash port?


Maybe the SD port is separate and not on the main board.


I really enjoy watching this sort of thing. I work on cargo ships, so there is probably something about knowing that what I am watching is not my fault. But it is interesting how very slowly things happen, particularly on the very big ships. Even after whatever is going to happen becomes inevitable, you often have plenty of time to wait for and think about the horror and to imagine the aftermath. So for me, the most interesting part is to watch the people, and see how their emotions register over time.


ohhhhhhhhhhh yeah


Couple of miles off the coast, a whale is thinking, “Haha LOL. From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee, for hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”


Is it reverse thrust that they are missing here?

Docking thrusters are nice when you have them, but the basic issue is that ships have a fuckton of momentum and very little traction. Rapid reaction is just not something that they do.


Uh… would that be the hot pants, sir?

Aye, the hot pants.

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Yes. If the boat works as I expect it does, the diesel controls are run on air pressure. Too many changes in too short a time can cause you to lose pressure, and run out of “starts”. So you move the bridge telegraph, and nothing happens. This boat may not have such a system, I don’t know. But you definitely want the engine in reverse to slow your approach. Changing from forward to reverse is one of those situations that put stress on things. If it is going to break, that might be the time. On the big ships, part of our pre-arrival tests are stopping offshore and testing reverse.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

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It never, ever, never, ever gets old. Ever.

Footage of the aftermath. Sorry it’s poor quality I couldn’t find a better version

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It’ll buff out.

In case people aren’t familiar, this is San Diego’s only other maritime disaster worth recounting.

That barge full of fireworks doesn’t count?


That was not a disaster. It was awesome.


This video is a lot better than Speed 2, and the production probably cost less too.