"What a waste of a beautiful piece of meat" — restaurant ruins tomahawk steak and charges $1000 for it

I expect that it will get worse and worse until 10 years from now everything is some Rube Goldenberg machine for basic tasks.


Well, at least he didn’t boil the thing.
Not sure if that would have been worse than this abomination.


I’m sure papers could be written about how we like watching “process” videos. Mr Rogers figured it out, and gave us those great factory tour shorts. Something about watching a craft be assembled, or construction site activity, or a manufacturing process, or a cooking video, makes us settle in and keep watching. Even if the steps don’t make sense, we want to see where it’s going.


I can identify with this. I’m perfectly stuffed and happy with 6-8 oz, and personally I find hotness to be a big factor in my enjoyment, and with a larger steak by the time I’m a third through it it’s cold and the rest doesn’t taste quite as good.

I also find just the tomahawk steak itself is unnecessary theatrics, just give me a bone-in ribeye it’s the same thing with less hassle.


Poorly-cooked, over-priced steak? Shocked this doesn’t involve Salt Bae.

Still, he’s not been in the news for a while, so maybe he, his sunglasses and gold leaf have had their 15 minutes and the instagram ghouls are getting their food kicks elsewhere.


I’ve long since given up on Reddit’s r/DIwhY subreddit because these days it’s all just rage bait “projects” that are so obviously terrible and impractical that it only serves to make people angry about it. This seems to be in a similar vein. Hooray for #engagement.


100% this. It doesn’t really matter if the result is terrible, there’s some sort of inherent fascination that makes these sorts of videos attractive. Mr Roger’s wasn’t my go-to for precedent, instead I think of the 32 seasons of How It’s Made that aired on Discovery/Science Channel.


something as a recovering vegetarian I wouldn’t not know. I assume this is not true of Kibbeh?


Meh. I’d eat it. Probably pretty tasty, too.

Not for that price, though.

I think they may have taco-n that too far.


There’s a good chance one of his restaurants “inspired” this video. But it’s more likely that it’s a Mexican steakhouse that caters to douchebags with more money than taste (if the steak tacos aren’t enough to ruin your appetite).


Chicago style?

Oh My God Omg GIF


I’m a fan of Chef Reactions for skewering this sort of nonsense.


It feels like a How To Basic video…I read the write up first and felt it couldn’t be that bad but my mouth was hanging open by the 2 minute mark and I was too stunned to stop the video before it ended.


So this is just a marketing stunt which clearly works.

Same reason every bar now is serving cocktails with dry ice, etc. It gets views on TikTok / IG.

the same idiot and same stupid chefsclub on social media. I was thinking they did this on purpose like lots of their other ridiculous videos where they pretend to know how to cook but only to stir up reactions


Beef carpaccio isn’t cured. Bresaola is cured, and sometimes served carpaccio style, but true carpaccio is just straight raw.


We are not the only ones who appreciate a good ribeye without the extra-long handle–am I supposed to enjoy lifting up the steak off the plate by the handle and then chomping on it? Better yet, knife and fork cutting up a cap will do. For me, it can’t just be a 1/2-inch slice of ribeye, and the only thing the tomahawk has going for it is its thickness.


Well, the lemon juice and salt still cures it a bit, especially with paper-thin slices but I guess a better anolgy than lox would be cevice.


Judging by the number of comments on the video (and here), it worked!

ETA: While I’m not at all in support of rage baiting, there are some tactical details that I’m somewhat impressed by. First off, it’s not 100% clear that it is rage baiting - that plausible deniability is likely to draw more people into taking them seriously. Second, if they’ve baited anyone, it’s food snobs (or at least people that place a lot of cachet in consuming expensive cuts of beef).

All that said, I have a hard time believing there is any restaurant in Los Angeles that would do this to an expensive cut of meat. It’s telling that the video authors didn’t out said restaurant.