What Amazon's Jeff Bezos thinks about Peter Thiel and Hulk Hogan vs. Gawker

Poor billionaire. He must cry himself to sleep every night in the arms of his lover while laying on his house sized mound of money going “WHY DO THEY PICK ON ME?”

Well, Thiel, they do it because you’re a world history level notable prick.


If you want to be seen, stand up.
If you want to be heard, speak up.
If you want to be appreciated, shut up.

Hmm… second time this week I’ve used Bill Cosby quotes that, while still apt and funny, now make me feel all squicky.


I have a few memes in my archive featuring Cosby, and I always have to think twice about using them now.


You can talk about a douchebag right wing billionaire’s douchebag actions without publicly outing him as gay?

I don’t see how the two are related, nor do I see how that justifies anything so long as he’s not promoting antigay legislation or gay-“cure” therapy (in which one could make the case for public interest)

Maybe attack him on areas that actually make him (and not the attacker) a terrible person?

Again, I’m defending the human, not the totality of Thiel. Similarly Hogan seems a douchebag himself, but he also doesn’t deserve to have a stolen sex tape uploaded for scandalizing, just because he’s not a nice man.

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Thogh quotes like that make a lot of sense in multiple contexts :confused:

That’s interesting, but I’m not sure I agree that Trump wouldn’t like the bill. Just because a bill makes something Trump does illegal doesn’t mean he won’t sign it. I don’t think life has ever given him reason to suspect the law applies to him anyway.


This whole damn thing is just… ugh.


Yep! Just how the libertarian contract supremacists would be the first one to object and try to wriggle-out.

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There’s no justifying Gawker/Valleywag who are horrible, but Theil’s response was far worse than everything they did combined.


You just did an admirable job of missing the point. Thiel may fight back, but not secretly. He tried to hide his role supporting a third party in a fight, and that just ain’t kosher.

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Financing Hogan’s well-deserved lawsuit? I don’t see how.

Fuck revenge porn and the purveyors of sleaze. This shit should be illegal.

Someone supplying a lawyer for the lawsuit is not worse than the acts committed by Gawker. Let the tabloids that buy and release stolen sextapes sink to the bottom.

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Secretly financing the suit and directing counsel to not seek damages via insurance but to do the maximal human damage to all Gawker employees in an attempt to destroy a company rather than seek restitution or penance. There was no justice there whatsoever. I’m fine with press outlets I don’t like sinking to the bottom, but not at the hands of lurking billionaires with blood in their eye on a mission to destroy, secretly pulling strings to manipulate a revenge they want.


I wonder if people would be quite as gleeful about this if it was the New York Times or the Washington Post that a billionaire decided to help destroy?

Yes, Gawker is a piece of shit stained toilet paper stuck to your heel…but then so is Peter Thiel and so are rich assholes who attempt to destroy media (no matter how “yellow press”) that they don’t like.


I admit I’m biased since ignoring the Gawker suit altogether, Peter Thiel is objectively more harmful and dangerous to far more people in far more serious ways than any tabloid/gossip rag could ever be.

Valleywag/Gawker regurgitates humiliating and totally inappropriate gossip. Thiel bankrolls anti-gay marriage propositions to hurt people doing things he hates.

Valleywag/Gawker violates people’s privacy in ways that are salacious. Thiel is literally open about being hostile to democracy and political equality, and throws millions to far-right anti-gay, anti-immigrant, and other regressive groups to take away rights people he hates, and he hates a whole lot of people. And, yes, he’s also a Trump delegate.

It’s Gawker, the 80s sex comedy villain vs. Thiel, the Bond villain. Neither are sympathetic, but one is basically rude and obnoxious, while the other is flat out malevolently evil and consciously working to limit personal and press freedom with massive resources.


I’m waiting until he funds an anti-Boing Boing lawsuit. God knows a few folks have gotten pissed off enough to try to sue Boing Boing during the previous glory years.


Like what? He hosted anti-Prop 8 fundraisers.

Again, a douche in the aggregate and passively supporting homophobes beyond GOProud and the like but I’ve never heard this specifically.

Besides being the Sheldon Adelson/Koch Brothers of the Venture Capital world throwing around millions of “free speech” to drown out opposing viewpoints, being a reactionary who’s opposed to democracy, the guy who runs Palantir in an effort to privatize NSA-class mass privacy violation, and being of the view that women’s suffrage was a bad idea, Peter Thiel is also the Paypal guy.

I’d thought I’d remembered him floating money to a Heritage type group that was bankrolling a pro-Prop 8 group, though looking for it now I can’t find it, so I was probably misremembering. Hard to keep track when you’re dealing with someone who’s Voldemort class evil.

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Ok, still don’t get why you’re using one evil to justify another’s.

The irony of a gay man backing anti-gay measures because he hates democracy is ironic.

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I’d explained why what he did was wrong a few posts ago (billionaire secretly working to destroy a media outlet using money to limit press freedom basically with some other wrinkles). Here I was noting my biases against that particular billionaire in reply to enso in addition to replying to you. Sorry for any confusion, been trying not to do the serial replies since the BBS complains about them to me.

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