What happens if you drink two gallons of coffee?

In small doses, coffee is great. I don’t do anything else until I’ve had my first cup. I used to teach an undergrad physiology lab that did 2 weeks of cardiac physiology where students recorded electrical and muscle activity of frog hearts. They added epinephrine (adrenaline) to the heart and watched the result. Its striking, but nothing compared to seeing caffeine pills applied to the heart. With adrenaline the rhythm is maintained, just faster and stronger. High caffeine broke the system; arhythmias, missed beats, muscles fighting against each other. It was crazy. Yes, caffeine increases adrenaline as the video says, but it also has direct effects on all muscles.


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Tch! Now you’re being as pedantic as me! :wink:

Are you going to stay at 25 cups forever?
If I ever do decide to expand beyond 25 cups, my dream is to outdo Balzac’s reputed 50 cups a day, I’ll likely have to be more scientific about things, to prevent overdosing. But so far so good. I’m going to make another cup right now.


Generally 1 PM

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Hold my Kureg?


A very expensive habit.

…same here. I’m 39 now, and quit the energy drinks about 7 years ago. I was getting outta hand.

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same here

Fry drinks 100 cups of coffee


I can’t help but get the feeling that the guy who made this video is going to be the Dr. Oz of 2035.

What – if anything – do you add to it?

Once upon a time, jumbo coffees were required all-around to survive the mind-numbing, inane, useless morning-meetings inflicted on us by a certain ‘tall-enough-to-be-a-manager-but-that’s-about-it’ ill-prepared manager forced onto our group. Sometimes, coffee can be a life-saver.

No more than 12-16 grams of the purest Columbian.

Just kidding.

<=1 tsp white sugar, 1-2 oz milk.

I just have no tolerance for caffeine. I can’t drink black tea or decaff black tea, either.


I’ve only had energy drinks a few times (maybe less than 10) and every time i would feel off. I love my coffee strong but energy drinks are not kind to me so i’ve stayed away from them, it amazes me to see friends who can drink a lot of it and its very suspect as to what kind of damage that does to them.

…as I am.

(I will win that pedantry badge some day!)


A follow-up video states that the student in question ingested approximately 7g of caffeine. The FDA safe daily dose in a healthy adult is 400mg. With some people claiming daily consumption of cups in the double digits, either they’re drinking really weak coffee, or the FDA is overly cautious. Or maybe they’re just superheroes; I get jittery after two cups.

Sorry. But I had to pedantically point this out.

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Energy drinks mess me up bad. Taurine wrecks my stomach, B-vitamins make me jittery. Some of them sure are tasty though…

Caffeine, OTOH, is a miraculous substance that I require to survive.