Originally published at: What if Denis Villeneuve directed a new Star Wars reboot | Boing Boing
no mechanical droids? that’s not Star Wars then. that being said, i do like the look of Vader.
Chewie become a brown Dr. Manhattan.
Chewie is Dr Manhattan & Vader is Mysterio.
I wish Star Wars could be rebooted with someone who can actually write a cohesive story line.
New Hope is fine (short of Chewy being left hanging). I can even accept Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. But the Prequels and Sequels need to be tossed into the bin and forgotten.
Not an original take I know, but one that still needs to happen. It’s a shame to have such a good universe blighted by such shallow and uncreative writing.
It just needs more Garak and Sisko.
The Other station will be rebooted…
Excuse me? Are you asking what if he waded into a swamp of the most toxic fans in the universe and changed something??
Someone hasn’t heard of gamergate.
If it causes the existing fan base to disband, even better!
Don’t reboot the original movies, go into a different timeline and do your own story.
I liked some of the stuff explored in the Star Wars: Visions shorts (especially the first film telling a classic Rōnin story set in a Star Wars-esque universe) but I don’t know if I’d have the appetite for a full-scale reboot.