Originally published at: What if Rob Liefeld had drawn Watchmen? | Boing Boing
Nite Owl needs more pouches on his costume to make this perfect.
Definitely needs 10,000 more pouches and straps, tons of knives, and guns with the dumbest attachments and doodads.
…Yeah, no.
Mr Manhattan isn’t all buff because HE’s NOT A BODY-FIXATED NARCISSIST!
Thank the gods it was done in the original style, not this travesty.
That’s DOCTOR Manhattan to you. He didn’t go to school and get obliterated by a horrible accident only to come back with god-like powers to have you call him “Mister”.
Did he zap away his student loan debt or slowly work to pay it off? That’s the sequel I want to read.
wow, if you google “Mr Manhattan” it searches for Dr. Manhattan and doesn’t even give you the “were you searching for…?” options. This guy’s power has gone too far.
I had to scroll down to the third result in DuckDuckGo to get what I actually wanted for a joke reply about whose SEO was being stolen by Dr. Manhattan / who is also offended by the mis-labelling:
Close. But they use perspective correctly and have the right number of limbs.
‘If Liefeld had drawn Watchmen,’ all the characters’ feet would look janky as fuck…
Like paint brush tips or scimitars.
I’m morbidity curious how Liefeld would draw Dr. Manhattan’s penis. Probably covered in weird muscles and disconcertingly asymmetrical.
With pouches. And we know he wouldn’t exaggerate the size since he can’t draw a foot!
You monster.
The Comedian would have so many pouches.

It’s not just about being overly buff, but having grotesquely impossible physiology as well…

Did he zap away his student loan debt or slowly work to pay it off?
He went to school long enough ago that student load debt wasn’t even a thing… I know, to modern readers flying blue people are more believable.
So sorry. I was in a hurry. Festina Lente.
All in good fun.
This is so cursed.