What if Trump loses but refuses to go? Alarming interview with a law professor


The answer is simple. He pushes the country even closer to a full blown civil war.
“Der Spiegel”, Germanys leading weekly news magazins, cover this week is again pretty much on the nose:

“The Pyromaniac* - A president is setting his country on fire”

*the german word for pyromaniac “Feuerteufel” literally translates to “fire devil”, I wanted to point that out because I thing the english translation loses a lot of its oompf.


He fails to recognize himself in a mirror, how can he be expected to recognize the results of a losing election?

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as much as I’d like to see him dragged from his palace like we’ve seen in a few other countries over the decades, the reality is that’s not what would happen, the military will happily switch to real bullets and mow everyone down without the slightest hesitation

any other belief that they’d “never fire on civilians” the the most hilarious fantasy, they are all just going to claim “just following orders”

you can absolutely bet any result not in his favor November 4th is going to surpreme court which is going to rule in his favor or at best “do over” and then he is going to say “okay we’ll do it November 2021 just like Olympics was moved”

and everyone will throw themselves under the bus for him inexplicably as always

however it would be interesting if the Dems won senate too, they could override vetos which he most certainly won’t tolerate and discard

we are 1 step away from democracy collapse, previously like 3 steps, all gone and this summer is just a test drive by Barr

ps. RBG isn’t making it another year, imagine that nightmare of a court

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I think this is right. Leading up to January 20, I expect him to make a lot of noise about how the election was fraudulent and coyly insisting maybe he won’t leave when it’s time. But then when it is time, I think he’ll go quietly. This guy is 90% talk and only about 10% ineffectual flailing.

But really I expect him to win, the same way he won before. What will the Left do then?


The military leadership (and, more broadly, the military-industrial complex) does not support Trump.

ETA: Here’s what Biden had to say about this yesterday on the Daily Show:

Biden was also asked whether he has considered what would happen if he wins but Trump refuses to leave office.

“Yes I have,” he said quickly.

The interview appeared to be edited at that point, but Biden resumed by speaking about the number of high-ranking former military officers who spoke out over the past week about Trump’s response to the protests.

“I’m promise you, I’m absolutely convinced they will escort him from the White House with great dispatch,” Biden said.


Does anybody think that he has engendered the kind of loyalty within the White House staff and Secret Service that would encourage them to NOT frog march him out in February? Reallty he will not be in the WH or have access to the levers of power after the inauguration.

So the questions are what will he do between the election and the inauguration. I can easily imaging the prince of petulance going scorched Earth and destroying everything he can on the way out, both figuratively and literally. The other question is what will the die hard supporters from his base do when he claims to have REALLY won the election? Could we see 100s of “Planet Pizza” attacks? Or will Fox dump him after they realize that there is no point in sucking up to him anymore?


I’d like to think that Trump would go golfing and they’d change the locks back at the White House and move all his gold-toned furniture out to the curb by Lafayette Square.


Of course Turmp won’t act in the interest of the rule of law. He never has, doesn’t want to, and wouldn’t know how.

But it’s not up to him. It’s up to the whole org chart of government collectively, and that org chart is existentially dependent on the authority of election results. If you assert that Turmp can lose the vote but still be president, then why accept that (for example) Mitch McConnell is a senator? These people are not warlords who can rule by brute strength or personal charisma.

If the result is so decisive that even Democrats would go to the mat over it, then the GOP won’t back a Turmp coup. And if it’s a Bush v Gore scenario, well, that’s a shame, but we know what happens, and it doesn’t involve lurid action-movie plot elements.

Because there have been plenty of real world examples of people illegally declaring themselves leaders of nations (and having it stick) and I don’t know any stories of people illegally declaring themselves members of legislatures.

I don’t think Trump can continue to be president after losing the election if it comes to that. But that’s because I don’t think Trump has sufficient support from the military and the courts to take such an extreme move, and it’s a little hard to imagine a Republican majority in both houses while Trump loses.

But I also don’t think that Trump will even try:

  • Trump will claim victory and claim election fraud and leave the White House. It doesn’t matter that these things seem contradictory.
  • Trump isn’t willing to live in a bunker to be safe from rioters. Trump wants the luxuries of power more than Trump wants actual power.
  • Trump’s election bid was a bid to launch a Trump Media Network and cash in. That business venture is just waiting,and will be all the better when the 2 hour rambling of Trump is from the “president in exile.”

Read a couple of things last night that really resonated.

  1. We are in a cold war with the confederacy.
  2. Trump is the 2nd president of the confederacy.

America, and I mean the overwhelming good and decent people we have all seen in the massive protests the past couple of weeks, defeated the confederacy before and we will/ are again. End of the day, all of the loud mouth MAGA cultists who parade around with guns and rocket launchers at peaceful protests are all talk. America will prevail and will be changed for the better and the rabid MAGA cultists can all go hang with donny smallhands at Mar A Largo because those are “his kind of people”


He won’t lose. He’ll cheat.


Assuming he isn’t the next POTUS. There’s a lot of time until November and the only thing he needs to do is start a little war and the US voter goes “hahaha gun go brrrr”.

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Yes. I do that every day, because it the ray of hope that helps me get through these terrible times.


Well 1. Republicans always announce their illegal activities by accusing Democrats. Republicans plan to fix mail in ballots.

And B. I think section 3 of the 20th Amendment says that without a Congress-certified Electoral College vote for President that Vice President Pence would get sworn in as “acting” President…

“If a President shall not have been chosen before the time fixed for the beginning of his term, or if the President elect shall have failed to qualify, then the Vice President elect shall act as President until a President shall have qualified”

So not Pelosi.

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Cuffed and gagged, please. Seeing him physically unable to talk would be some sort of pleasant revenge


I wish I had that level of optimism (or naivete). I have seen no sign of any limit to what the GOP will back Trump on. And if it comes to holding onto power, I doubt you will find one.