Originally published at: Trump not technically saying he'll refuse to accept election results—he just won't accept them and has explained why - Boing Boing
Better get “explained” a hernia belt!
If National Reporter Amy Gardner ever wants a second career, she’d do great as Pretzels the circus contortionist.
In any newsroom I’ve worked in, a paragraph like that would be good for at least a year’s worth of light mockery from one’s fellow reporters and writers; the WaPo’s is probably an exception, a shrine to comity and civility.
Methinks Ms. Gardner needs a reminder of the transitive property.
Or else she was being tongue in cheek.
My first read of it was the second option.
But Ms. Gardner must be unfamiliar with Poe’s law.
OTOH WaPo had a LONG “fact check “ the speakers at the Democratic convention last night and declared them all big fat liars so there’s that.
i read that a few times and still can’t figure out what it meant.
It’s written in Gibberish english, which is used by the disingenuous to con the foolish into believing their rhetoric.
“When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.” Humpty Dumpty, 1871
If only Biden had used “demonstrated” rather than “said,” as in “Donald Trump has demonstrated that he won’t accept the results of the election,” which is 100%, unequivocally factual.
I don’t know what’s up in Elite Media Land, but they went from being able to easily hide their actual political beliefs to being absolutely unable to hide their political beliefs. I guess they’re taking their cues from Beloved Leader Trump – if he’s having a meltdown, they’re going to have a meltdown with him.
knights, maybe?
but i like the idea he went multiple times, because he just couldn’t get enough
The “k” is silent; unlike Thomas Becket, who was all like, “STOP HACKING ME TO BITS, YOU FUCKING BASTARDS!”
but so well mannered. look at the way they all line up to wait their turn!
( i guess this is what they mean by “polite society”? )
A dismembered society is a polite society.
I intentionally mispronounce words to my phone’s text to speech so that it writes the right thing. Time to bring bad old English cniht or German knecht. Knot and gnome too.
While I’ve given up hope that we’re ever going to fix English spelling so that it matches modern pronunciation. Perhaps text to speech will get us to pronounce words how they are spelled. Even if other humans won’t understand this dialect, at least a computer would. Human companionship is on its way out. Because a computer is your plastic pal who’s fun to be with!
Not only is the “k” silent, but it’s also invisible.
This is neither the time nor the subject to be oh so clever and subtle about it.
I see neither a distinction nor a difference.
Oof. And her fictional namesake in The West Wing was so frickin’ sharp, too.
He’ll accept what’s on the prison cafeteria lunch menu and he’ll like it!