What is inside an apartment in Paris abandoned for 70 years?

This is a Discourse (or possibly blogger workflow) technical problem that occurs randomly and has been doing so for a long time. Nobody seems to be able to tie it down. Like all intermiittent faults it is proving hard to replicate or diagnose, I suspect.

It started with Xeni a long time ago (remember her?) on only some of her posts (which made me think ‘different workflow’ somehow at fault) but went away and then came back again more recently. As @timd says the BBS page is your saviour - go to this page and scroll or search for a keyword in the blog post title.

It is NOT any attempt to stop mutants speaking and I am sure @orenwolf and others are as annoyed about it as anyone else.

I keep that page permanently open in a pinned browser tab precisely because of this.

(Hopefully saved you having to explain it again, Ken.) :wink: