Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/20/what-legal-prescription-cocaine-might-look-like.html
Let me guess - sort of white and powdery?
now show us what legal prostitution would look like!
Oh, great. More ads for edibles with scientifically questionable claims from the Boing Boing store despite not being legal in your jurisdiction…
Get more done and have more energy with our new BZM Gummies! Created in small, family run businesses from organic, small batch coca plantations in Central America! Fertilized with dung from endangered hippos, you will feel better than ever with our new Benzoylmethylecgonine (BZM) gummies! Will cure insomnia, blood diseases such as ghostitus, and diarrhea! Don’t run out- once you try them, you will want to keep using them forever! An essential pandemic supply!
Prostitute talking to man in Amsterdam.
Why have morphine, when you can have diamorphine?
It used to come in tablet form in a tin, kinda like Altoids.
Cyclomorph or Diconal if you wanna really get freaky.
Is it bad that I already have the Wikipedia equianalgesic page bookmarked?
A friend of mine is an anesthesiologist who had a patient with a number of allergies, so she needed to use cocaine. It is legal, but a pain in the ass. The pharmacy actually sent a guy with a suitcase handcuffed to his wrist. He stayed for the entire procedure. The paperwork was immense, but the cocaine did its job.
The whole reason people snort cocaine is it’s a topical anesthetic that will totally numb your mouth if you try to eat it or rub it on your gums. I would guess that if you swallowed it, you’d be in danger of choking.
Ketamine chewables would probably be fine though, and if you have the sort of kids who are going to get into your drugs then you want something that will calm them down rather than amp them up.
Coca leaves would be very interesting to try:
really, it’s the healthy choice
And I was thinking my doctor could prescribe it to treat my horrible aloofness at parties.
The pandemic and attendant overdose crisis brought on prescription safe supply here in BC. It is a good thing, though not a panacea.
If it’s anything like how the US FDA handled ketamine nasal spray for depression, it’ll be sold at a 60-100x markup, and only available at special clinics with onerous and arbitrary rules for both clinic and patients. It’ll also be much less effective than early studies suggested, because it’s the wrong stereoisomer (and a racemic mixture was not patentable).