What makes a great cup of coffee

Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
Never ending or beginning on an ever spinning reel
As the images unwind, like the circles that you find
I have ceramics on my mind…
Only ceramics on my mind.


Aeropress coffee is my reference brew. It has a smoother mouth feel and less aftertaste than French press or Espresso/Americano. My wife drinks tea at home so the coffee’s all mine.
I use James Hoffman’s basic Aeropress recipe:
Grind coffee to a 2.3 setting with my 1zpresso grinder
Slowly wet the grounds, fill to the 3 setting and insert the plunger, then pull it up slightly to minimize the early arrival brew draining into the mug
Wait 2 minutes, then gently swirl the whole assembly 3 times
Wait 30 seconds and gently press the plunger all the way down until the rubber touches the grounds. This puts a little froth on top of the coffee.
Add water to taste and strength
My phone has to be with me so I can use the timer function.

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Yeah, that’s the way to do it for sure, and I agree, it’s an incredible cup.

This being said, the Chemex brews just fine for us. I find it highlights some of the “brighter” or more fruity/floral aromas and honestly, if it’s easier for her, it’s better for everyone.


Today’s moment of mental dissonance: I misread that as “Musical Degree”.

OK, that’s out of the way. Next up: am I the only person on Earth who cannot stand the taste of coffee? I can’t drink it, and I can’t eat other things that have coffee flavoring in them.


I love the cup of coffee I have after I’ve made sure my partner(s) have theirs. My preference is strong and dark, but the great for me comes from knowing I’ve taken care of them.


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

I come from a family of musicians, my dad was a composer, jazz trumpet player and music professor, mom a very accomplished French horn player, sibs all musicians of one flavor or other. And then there was me. Late in life taking up recorder, but otherwise no musical ability at all. So, this is hilarious!

posts brian GIF

Coffee is the universal good and must not be questioned!!
(Nah, it is an acquired taste, assisted by the caffiene. But once acquired? Yeah, irreplicable!)


“Oh, I get it Paul. Back on that time is money kick.”

as quoted in


My nesting partner doesn’t like the taste either, although she loves the smell of the beans and the aroma of it brewing. She’s dating a few people who are coffee drinkers, so we’re happy to get her that scent, then “dispose” of the coffee so it doesn’t go to waste. :smiley:


Not at all. I got the joke, but what made it interesting was that it seemed like something that a non-native English speaker would see before a native speaker. I wasn’t trying to inform you about something you already know perfectly well.

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Yeah, you’re not wrong that even seeing the possibility it could be interpreted that way would probably require the outside perspective.

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One should always have airplane or gas station coffee a few times a year. Makes one appreciate how good the Kenyan Light Roast made with [insert fancy brewing method here] really is.


All hail Kenya AA. That’s what I’m talkin’ about right there.


It looks like there are companies that will customize mugs with [insert your qualification here].



This is all great (I’m going to try an aeropress one of these days for sure), but what should one do with old, stale ground coffee that was gifted to you by family who really meant well (bought as part of a meaningful first international vacation)?

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Makes great compost? Brew it for people you don’t like? Brew it to use as an ingredient where the quality will be covered by other flavors? There are possibilities.


I’m seeing a lot of chocolate tortes in my future.


Oh. The. Horror. Please. No.

Dying Laughing Lol GIF by Desus & Mero


I don’t know how to accurately describe the “this feels right” aspect of an enamelware coffee mug in certain occasions, but I know it exists, and those are some of my favorite times to have a cup of coffee.


From the old Diesel Sweeties store


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