What taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator says about you

I couldn’t believe #7! :astonished:

MB: Do you want a meaningless task based career for 40 years or do you not want to contribute to society?

Me: well, I don’t… What?, Wait…

MB: Do you want to be told what to do by an inferior middle manager or do you want to die alone and penniless?

Me: How can I even know how I react in every…

MB: “Farmer (poultry)”

Me: what just happened?


You would think you’d need all different types of personalities in peds especially, because there’s all sorts of different kids out there. Sometimes kids just find a doctor they click with (my kids think the psych NP they see is the coolest guy in the world).


We had to take the MBTI as part of our new hire training when I started working at the library. They were supposed to use it to help managers understand their teams better or something but I don’t think they ever really used it. I didn’t know it at the time but I have since been diagnosed as ASD/ADHD. Even if the MBTI worked as advertised, I don’t think it would work for neurodiverse brains, at least how it is set up now. (I got INTP fwiw, which basically just sounds like a description of someone with ASD and ADHD).


There are tables suggesting that thus and such “type” is best suited to this specialty, based on the types already in it. Utterly bogus, garbage pseudo-science. Trying to over-simplify what is (as usual) a continuum into a point. But let us first assume perfectly spherical docs. :roll_eyes:


The science is definitely leaning in that direction. Interviewing has historically been one of the primary tools for discrimination of all sorts, of course, under the guise of “culture fit”.

I spent much of my career interviewing candidates as an engineering manager, and the whole time, I felt it was a stupid process. You know in the first 30 seconds if their resume is BS or not, and the rest of the hour is filling time (by means of asking questions that you think will tell you what kind of person they are but won’t really). In the end you hire people based on their experience regardless and sometimes they work out, sometimes they don’t.


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