What the president of Y Combinator learned from interviewing 100 Trump supporters

But what’s so scary? That they might have to live next to a person of a different religion, sexual orientation, or have to work for a woman? I mean… are those really so scary things in their mind?


No. But they voted for it. What are we meant to do with that?


Do what you think it right. Call out bigotry and prejudice when you see it. Note how trump trades in it and how hurtful it is to people, especially when it becomes policy. Do it as respectfully as you feel you should. But don’t underestimate how bad it is quickly becoming and don’t back down from the truth of where it came from. And then fully expect to have people say that you are being mean to them and calling them racists for voting for Trump.


I would add: Become an activist if you are not one already. Join a group working for change. Start local. Go to meetings. Call your representatives. Make your voice heard. You (we) can make things happen.

Here is a place to start: https://www.indivisibleguide.com/groups-nav


Well, they don’t believe that trans people should be able to pick the bathroom that fits their gender. They are all about bombing the shit out of people in the Middle East. They want to make sure that it’s as hard as possible for women to access basic health care. And they seem to be okay with a white nationalist as one of the presidents most important advisers.


Assuming there is an election in 2020 and the increasing mass disenfranchisement efforts fail, the Trump admin’s US death toll will be very unpopular among many, many people:

Worries about a theoretical future Dems not courting the center-right ignore the ongoing historic catastrophes we’re watching unfold.


I also think there is a larger conspiracy that wants to enforce the division, that benefit from this.

It’s Gruel® and Beverage® for you miserable poors.


A part of me wants to say the unknown, but many of these people really think they know what’s going on. They live in a media stream that is saturated with talk of the end times, of how everyone is out to get them, especially people who are different. There are radio shows where Islam is explained as a religion of hate where any and all deceptions are permitted to advance the ever growing power of the Muslim faith. People harken back to the good ole days when everyone had jobs (well not everyone, but ya know, yatta yatta) and everyone had good ole Christian values. The rise of Islam and the decline of morality is taken as a direct threat…


Nothing new there.


I watched a LP because of you. That game is frighteningly true to life small town America.

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Repeated for truth.

I have an in-law who liked to lean on the whole “I liked Sanders and would have voted for him, but I can’t stand Clinton so I’m voting for Trump” thing. I never believed it for an instant, particularly since he is one of those who tends to use “liberal” as though it’s a swear word.


I just downloaded my copy. Maybe I’ll play this weekend.

Of course it didn’t work for her. Do you get the Midwest? Today.

Yeah, so it totally makes a lot of sense to try another shift to the right again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Eventually the Dems. will be holding the line at only torturing but not summarily executing Muslims, and insisting that the concentration camps release political prisoners who merely spoke critically about America’s Greatness, until they continue to lose elections and rethink those positions to reach out to the right.


Got it.

  1. Executive order: all good, willing, and pro-life families will take in one unwanted child, love him/her/it, raise him/her/it, and provide for him/her/it for at least the rest of their life…

  2. You eat much? Yeah, that will be affected. Restaurants? Yeah, they suck now. Fruit and veggies: always wilted. Construction? Pffffft. Other handy, hard-working enterprises? Under-worked. Welcome to less middle-class luxuries…

  3. Grow up. We work together, or we die alone.

  4. I want us to find an equilibrium together, but you don’t get to mainstream hate in the 21st Century equilibrium; I won’t allow it. We are one, and I don’t buy your apocalyptic end-of-times religious narrative: I call bullshit.


I have an in-law who liked to lean on the whole “I liked Sanders and would have voted for him, but I can’t stand Clinton so I’m voting for Trump” thing. I never believed it for an instant, particularly since he is one of those who tends to use “liberal” as though it’s a swear word.

Maybe what’s the matter with Kansas is that the Ds are neither democrats nor New Dealers any more.

People raised and living in the white burbs don’t understand social justice without exposure to the real world, but they might get economic justice and thereby become open to the wider world.

I don’t need to punish bigots to validate my loathing of the idiot, idle billionaires who inherit theft as an income stream.


It’s a shame words like “liberal” and “conservative” have jumped the shark when it comes to meaning. 1984, man. Seriously.

You’re right about me, nojaboja. I’m about as male and white as they come. And so, you’re also right that I’m not going to suffer directly as other groups will during this right wing assault on our country’s values and people. But for what it’s worth, I am on your side.

You’re also right that the oppressed have no obligation to empathize with oppressors. I guess I should have addressed my comments specifically to my fellow people of privilege who choose to caucus with the marginalized. It really is on us to be the ones to talk sense into the people who look like we do but don’t think like we do, and to stand up to them when they can’t be reasoned with. I promise you I’ll do my best to stand up for what’s right.


Dishearten Troll is disheartened.

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