What the presidential candidates would look like with beards

An Uncle Albert?


For all that Frederick Trump (Donaldā€™s grampa) was a sleazy pimp, he did have a decent beard. So thereā€™s that.

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She looks kind of like an old-school pirate.

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I was thinking more of an orange Ben Kenobiā€¦

he looks like US Grant!

OMG! I know that guy!


I never considered that angle beforeā€¦ Itā€™s quite frankly terrifying. Like. More terrifying than Drumpf normally is. Bravo.

Itā€™s okay, I wasnā€™t planning on sleeping ever again.


Iā€™ve never in my life met a secular Jew of his generation with any beard. That one looks more Modern Orthodox

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I assume that the reason Cruz was not included was because the backpfeifengesicht became so strong that the photoshopper kept destroying his monitor.

I have no idea to what extent you are joking, but seriously, Clinton with a beard basically looks exactly like a guy I know from grade/highschool. (He didnā€™t have a beard in gradeschool, to be fair)


They did Cruz too You gotta click through the link:
this is supposed to be a link but for some reason it just shows Carly Fiorinaā€¦ trust meā€¦ click on it and it will take you to all of them.


I assumed they did. I just thought it was a good time to pull out backpfeifengesicht.

And wow, Fiorina looks just like the same guy I thought Clinton looks like. I guess Clinton and Fiorina have similar haircuts? I probably donā€™t even know what that guy looks like. .Hell, a month ago I mistook a man with a long white beard for someone I know who has black hair and no beard.


I thought this was Rubioā€™s beard?


Comstock from Bioshock Infinite

Hey if it worked for Lincoln it can work for these folks too.

I would like to see the next installment, What the presidential candidates would look like with breasts


Bernie looks like The Colonel.

Are you saying Mrs Clinton doesnā€™t have any?

Iā€™m saying the vast majority of them do not have that secondary sexual characteristic, and I would like to see the theme inverted.

Closest I could find:

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There is a certain vague resemblance. Heā€™s sort of a Bizarro Grant.