Rhode Islander here… didn’t even know there was anything but Masshole for people from that state. /s
Must. Not. Make. Kansas joke.
I’m not entirely clear what we’re talking about here. The excerpt from the style manual refers to “natives” of the states in question but the title of the Boing Boing item says “residents”. So is a “Californian” a person who is born in California even if they now live in New York, or somebody who currently resides in California even if they were originally born in New York?
I would be happy to call someone of whatever extraction a “Hawaii resident” if they currently live in the Aloha state. Someone living elsewhere who was born in Hawaii could reasonably be called a “Hawaiian” and some of those people might even be “native Hawaiian”, but surely if you’re originally from Hawaii but now live in, say, Vermont you’re no longer a “Hawaii resident”, you’re a Vermont resident who was born in Hawaii?
This one always does my head in:
Alaska = Alaskan
Florida = Floridian
Just… why?
I could spell it… just probably not correctly.
@CoffeeStar Not “Maniac”?
Is there a second section for residents of DC and the territories? Because I think those answers are less well known than most of the state ones.
“Mainiac” has always seemed like the alternate mood for Maine folk.
At a guess, because “Floridan” sounds sorta awkward?
Indeed. I’m a Welsh person living in England, but there’s no ****ing way I’m English.
Are you one of those Rhode Islanders born, raised and likely to pass away without ever leaving the state? A bunch of years ago, I worked with an old codger down in South County who claimed he had never even gone as far as “the city”…
It’s nicer here in Massachusetts than you’ve been led to believe. I’m pretty sure Buddy Cianci assembled an elaborate disinformation machine to keep Rhode Islanders from leaving, and he may be dead but it’s still running. Possibly his toupee is in charge now.
Get out while you still can.
I don’t think those are Kansans, Toto.
Because Alaskian sounds kinda stupid?
Shouldn’t that mean that all residents on both American continents are Americans making the immigration debate moot?
Usonian seems like the reasonable name, which is why, of course, the people of USA will never adopt it just as they refuse to adopt the sensible SI-system.
Style guides of course are docs used when composing and editing texts, in this case, materials created and put out by the federal government.
Individual units within the fed government can have their own style guides, such as this NASA Style Guide (which has quite a nice first para on the rationale and use of these guides):
That Nasa style guide, you mean?
I’m agreeing with you entirely. Nasa/NASA is a good example. Whilst the aeronautics agency’s style guide seems to say NASA, the BBC style guide says it’s Nasa, as the acronym forms a pronounceable word, unlike, say BBC, which therefore isn’t Bbc.
What’s good for a Michigander is good for a Michigoose, right?
OTOH - when I worked in Lowell I met quite a few people sho had never been to Boston.
Just amazed me.
Doesn’t surprise me. Lowell may as well be a different planet than Boston, even though it’s physically only 20 miles away.
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