What was the source of Rey's [SPOILERS]? This and other Force Awakens questions answered!

Indeed it did. Much more than TFA did. But it’s still largely the same film as The Road Warrior…

Prometheus, meh. I only mentioned it because it also felt like a retread in so many places (yes, it didn’t rock in the way the aforementioned films did and was in fact an enormous pile of cack).

I enjoyed TFA but I won’t be going to see it multiple times. It was a good film. I understand that it’s very corporately managed and deliberately (and sensibly) harking back to the original films and being not-the-prequels, but surely it could been just a soupçon more original? It was going to make a metric shit ton of money anyway and they got so much right.

I guess I’m hard to please, or have an unrealistic opinion of how multinational corporations handle multi-billion dollar investments. No, not guessing, I know that.

Optimistic hat is saying that now the new characters are established and the charismatic elephant in the room was euthanized, next time round could have a marginally fresher plot, as long as Rey isn’t another fucking Skywalker. They have the talent to do something really good.


I wanted more originality too though I’ve already seen it three times so I guess the old timey ANH revival wasn’t a dealbreaker. Leaving the missteps of the prequels behind was the single most important requirement, and mission accomplished.

Interesting that a corporate approach could end up generating more communal resonance than the total artistic control of GL that was intended to protect his originality. What happened? No, wait. I don’t care.

TFA was a job for JJ Abrams: The Revenge of the Spielberg. Future movie? Joss Whedon, please. It’s not too late to ask him. Ask him again, I mean.


Forget about Dooku already, do you? Probably for the best.


I did forget Dooku. What am I thinking? Yikes! Afraid for the franchise I am now.


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