What would a new US civil war be like?

Defeatism solves no problems.


I was going to say “blood-splattered eagle”.


Aren’t you assuming that everyone who lives in different regions of the country are all in agreement about everything? The differences in different parts of a so-called coherent “region” can be very different.


it’s a goddamn shame that the Texas GOP can’t trumpet that all over Fox News. If renewables are so great for deep-red Texas, why aren’t they great for the rest of the nation? Are the oil-patch producers and refiners blocking this, or moving into the field?

As far as your own power grid goes, good on ya! Perhaps it’s development was supported by the unmentioned plan to secede and become your own country? If so, be prepared to turn over all of the military men and materiel.

Common sense? If the situation came out of control, as many here have pointed out as a possible scenario, if I were a weak president and with very low rates of popularity, I would certainly like to be able to count on every possible help.

But on second thought, it would be an idiotic idea, which seems to have come out of a bad movie. A bad thriller

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Nazism, White supremacy - they both use religion as their foundation. The Nazis and the Klan were all about elevating Protestant Christianity to the center of politics and society. Of course, we all know about the Nazis exterminating members of the Jewish faith, but they also persecuted Catholics )especially in Poland), Jehovah’s Witnesses and Ba’hai. Hitler even attempted to limit the allowed Protestants sects by proposing the creation of the Reich Church (an idea which failed, however.) The Nazis melded religion and ideology in a centuries-old system practiced by all totalitarian countries.

The Ku Klux Klan was also heavily invested in defending Protestant Christianity. During its largest incarnation during the 1920s, when it counted between 3 and 6 million members, racism against blacks almost took a backseat to the Klan’s ferocious hatred of Jews and Catholics.It was reacting to the early 20th-century immigration of millions of people from countries with large Catholic and Jewish populations. When doing research on my own small town in NJ, I was shocked to find newspaper accounts of large Klan rallies held to protest the opening of a Catholic Church. The banners read “NO to Popery! In GOD we trust!”

Millions of people who are rabidly opposed to Muslim immigration should take a look at the history of bigotry and violence that was probably leveled at their ancestors for their religion -= as well as the calls to outright ban them as unAmerican Papists.


Texas will secede by itself and refuse to join either side.

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I think reality has more nuance than that. Welcome New Community Member!

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Texas is allowed to subdivide, but not secede, legally.


There aren’t enough likes in the world for this little piece of genius.


Sorry, we keep NASA, Lockheed, the guns, tanks etc.

Actually it was Texas oil man T. Boone Pickens who pushed the wind farm approval through the legislature and has sunk a sizable chunk of his fortune in Wind. I have no idea what’s going on with the rest of the nation. There are jobs and money in renewables just waiting to be had. I see all these states leaving that free money on the table and I have no idea why.


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