What would it be like if other NYT columnists took drugs and wrote about it?

Avoiding doing dumb stuff like making and packaging pot edibles that look like candy is probably going to need to be part of how it happens.

It’s going to happen whether people make candy out of it or not. Don’t fall for the bullshit hype against the candy. There’s plenty of sugary alcohol mixed drinks and candy that have survived calls for a return to alcohol prohibition. Marijuana edibles will survive as well.

The overwhelming majority of people that consume the edibles don’t have issues. As time goes on, the reefer madness hysteria will fade as we forget about idiot, attention-seekers like Maureen Dowd and instead focus on the many average people who enjoy it without issues.

That said, I would agree that there should be clear packaging for edibles, etc. – but Colorado is already dealing with that as we speak.

I’m also getting a little tired of two-wrongs-don’t-make-a-right arguments like the lack of warnings on alcohol packaging.

I assume you were referring to my post above. I’m not making a two-wrong argument. I don’t think there should be labels on alcohol. I think there should just be education based upon facts and science so people can make up their own minds about it while also keeping it out of the hands of children. Considering how much safer marijuana is than alcohol, I think it’s more than rational to expect the same for that as well.

That’s my point. My other other point is to also show the inane hypocrisy from all the people hyperventilating over marijuana decriminalization while slamming their shots of vodka on the weekends. I don’t have a problem with responsible drinkers, I have a problem with asshole hypocrites that think they can partake in their more harmful drug of choice while demonizing others for partaking in a vastly less harmful drug. Fuck that.

There’s a bunch of propagandistic, half-truth bullshit coming from the media and authorities against marijuana. For example, the news shows will have a “debate” on marijuana and talk about the Colorado guy who killed his wife after eating edibles while completing leaving out the fact that he was abusing prescription drugs and his wife even said it on the 911 call just before she was murdered by him. How about you save some of your angsty-angst for those liars that omit facts and are the true problem with stymying decriminalization?