Whatcha Playin'? Continue?

Main story of Lost Judgement done, this leaves me with one unfinished Yakuza game (Ishin). There’d be a chance that I’d finish the series before the next one comes out, but that’s probably not going to happen with Starfield on the horizon.

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Been playing Cave Story + it’s as good as I remembered it being. Boss rush in the end is harder then I remember (normal difficulty), but other otherwise it feels fair and balanced.


Looks like Starfield still has some jank despite supposedly having the fewest bugs of any Bethesda release.

Video of what happened to me launching my ship.

Oh wow! I love it. It kind of makes me want to ditch my original plan and play it before they get the bugs worked out.

Smooth as glass.

That session definitely had something wrong with it. Docking with a space station was weird too, clipped into it. That was before this.

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For free. Nice.

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They’ve got a bunch free. Requiem is free for the next day or two from the big sale.

GoG is the only place I’ll get PC games. Been bitten way too much by DRM.

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My wife got me Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition for my birthday. That, Dragon’s Dogma, Double Dragon Gaiden, and and the new DLC for Shredder’s Revenge have me all sorts of spoiled.

I also played the first 30 minutes or so of Trek to Yomi last night. The rendering of the character faces isn’t great, but the presentation is otherwise gorgeous.

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I just finished Beneath a Steel Sky the other day. It’s a wonderful game :smiley:


Possible strike looming for video game VO performers.


That’s a solid solution for ensuring that new players don’t miss out on a fun aspect of the original game. The only way to top this would be to include the Twin Snakes version of the original as well. Are ports of that held up with the corpse of Silicon Knights, or is it considered a shame for some reason?

From the press release, it sounds like the intent with the master collection was for the games to be experienced as they were when first released. I never played the Twin Snakes release, though, and I think I would prefer to check that out over the PS1 original if I was going to give it another play-through, because why not?

I love that they let you create the dummy saves. Creepy old Psycho Mantis rummaging through my data.

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Am I the only one really, really annoyed at the little stuff in Starfield?

The big stuff is no problem. FTL? Lots of alien life? The MacGuffin? The big baddies? Fast scanning of resources? No problem. That’s all part and parcel of SF.

The little things though? They just grate across my nerves. Alkanes being inorganic and having the wrong formula. A personal fan being at a worksite, outside, on the moon. Getting lung damage from poisonous gas while wearing a space suit.

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Yeah that one irks me too. The main point of a spacesuit is to contain a sealed atmosphere within… ugh

Another one was one of the sidequests i stumbled upon with an old pre-FTL generation-ship in a sytem.

After just 200years they’ve somehow lost all capacity to communicate electronically with humanity (morse code even FFS), people in the starsystem they’re in are not sure they’re even human. so you’re sent to talk to them.

And thats when you dock with the ship using the galaxy-standard human docking port, that apparently an entire system full of ships had missed :thinking:

GOG is giving away Trüberbrook, a sci-fi mystery set in 1960’s Germany, featuring hand-built, filmed scenery and a “tranquil doom jazz” soundtrack. Marry me!

Truly average reviews on Metacritic. Maybe I’ll love it, or not, but at least it could be interesting to see how something so promising in concept fails to deliver.


I played it through XGP after having purchased it a while ago on GoG. It’s OK, nothing great, nothing really bad. Very weird storyline.

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I so want to finish all the tasks for the doctor in New Homestead before doing this. Too late this playthrough.

There’s demo for that.

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I was discussing games like Dynasty Warriors and Hyrule Warriors with a friend of mine the other day. He referred to them as 1 vs 10000 games, then told me that in Chinese there’s a term used for the games that describes them as “grass cutting games” because you cut down a thousand with a swing of the sword. And now I just have that term stuck in my head. It’s honestly kind of perfect.