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:shield: #TrustAndSafetyTycoon

:trophy: Won via IPO and stayed to grow Yapper

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Score: 1921
:straight_ruler: Rating: :star::star::star::star::black_medium_small_square:

:arrow_forward: Play Now: trustandsafety.fun


For those who have PlayStation Plus but have not played Disco Elysium, the game is now available in the games catalog.

I came in knowing of the game only by reputation but not very many specifics. I woke up in the game not knowing who I was, collecting items in a hotel room that apparently wrecked either the previous night or over the previous three days I spent inebriated. I was told I was a cop. I went outside to investigate a dead body. In failing to ask questions of a young boy, I despaired, quit the force, basically lived in dumpsters, and the game was over.

30 minutes of playing and the game is great!


That kid is a jerk! I need to get back to that game one of these days, I also ended up under a bridge in short order.


That was pretty darned cool, and it greatly increased my gratitude for excellent moderation. Thank you, @orenwolf!
:shield: #TrustAndSafetyTycoon

:trophy: Won via IPO and left to advise the government

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Score: 1984
:straight_ruler: Rating: :star::star::star::star::black_medium_small_square:

:arrow_forward: Play Now: https://trustandsafety.fun/


The thing fans and crowdsource backers of the game are likely most eager to see, a release date or even just a release window, is yet to come. “When we have the locked release date, you will be first to know,” Roberts says. “The polish phase can take some time.”

Taking a break from Starfield and Rimworld and tackling some of my steam backlog

Loved the first game in this series so i’m now playing the second game. Fun life-sim / builder game :slight_smile:

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Snagged Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened on the latest Xbox sale. Figured it since it’s spooky season, might as well begin it. Pretty pleased with it so far, made it to the start of Chapter 3.

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For a brief, shining moment, I have all the Yakuza games completed. That’ll last a whole week or so, until the next one comes out. I’ll probably hold off on playing that one, I think I’ve had enough of them for a while.


There’s even more to Vampire Survivors on its way. We just got the Whiteout content (and that’s literally just a couple days ago for Switch players), but now we’re getting Adventures that explores the lore we didn’t realize this game has.

I continue to enjoy this game, even after starting over and playing slowly when the Switch version dropped. The game is exactly what I need it to be right now. Not mindlessly simple but just thoughtful enough.

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… this is even simpler than regular GLtron but is still strangely addictive

AFAICT there are only two controls, “touch left” and “touch right”

It’s pretty easy to win most of the time but the winning strategy may be counter-intuitive

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Three decades ago Nintendo teamed up with Sony to produce a CD peripheral for the SNES called the PlayStation. Things didn’t work out for the partnership.

They say that Sony will be the distributor for the theatrical The Legend of Zelda, so that’s good. Otherwise we’d have to worry about another falling out resulting in Sony taking what they have and making a totally separate, competing film.

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Looking for recommendations from you knowledgeable people. While one of my daughters was recuperating over the summer we got into the habit of playing Stardew Valley in bed. Now she’s better we still play but would like something a bit less…. chill. No particular genre the tricky part is she’s on a Steam Deck and I’m on a Mac.

Can be coop or compete. Any genre. She likes JRPG, sci fi horror dystopias, animals, goth themes. I’m good with anything. Apart from battle royales. I will never ever watch one again and I imagine I won’t be into the games either.


My immediate thought is some sort of MMORPG, whether a paid one (Final Fantasy 14) or one that’s free so long as you don’t buy into the gacha mechanics (Genshin Impact, but there are other “pay into them what you want” games that don’t use such an addictive feature). Playing endlessly on that type of game may not be what for want, so my second thought went in the complete opposite direction of “chill” – Overcooked! All You Can Eat.

Just briefly looking into games in general that may have cross-play, two that stood out to me (that I admit I haven’t played) are Dauntless, an online RPG in which you team up to take down giant beasts like in the Monster Hunter series, and Escape Academy, which is essentially an escape room simulator.

Good luck finding a game! And sometimes you can just have fun exploring different types of games together, too. Make the novelty of new games part of the fun.




Daytona USA 2/Sega Racing Classic 2 received a stealth home console release through the latest Like a Dragon game. A standalone or release in a collection would be nice, but I suppose this is better than nothing. Sega is responsible for some of the best arcade racers, and they should all be freely available.

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For anyone that’s having trouble picking what game from the last year to play, NPR has narrowed it down for you to (checks) 97 games. Thanks, NPR!

There are some titles there that sound interesting that weren’t on my radar. I do appreciate that they didn’t just go with Starfield-BG3-Mario-Zelda and call it good. There’s something for just about everyone in there.


I do appreciate that the list doesn’t just distill “the best” down to some arbitrary number. If there are so many really good games out there, then they deserve to be mentioned.

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This program got plugged on All Things Considered this afternoon and I’m really enjoying it:

This is often the exact kind of music that I want to listen to in the background while I’m working. It’s helpful to be able to turn it on and go, and not hunt for the exact right album/playlist/what-have-you on Deezer (or Tidal now - thanks for the heads up about Tidal in the Spotify Layoff thread, @p96). The little bits of video game and music trivia included every few songs is pretty cool, too.

Just finished the main quest line in Goat Simulator 3 and swapping over to Rise of the Tomb Raider. The tonal shift is quite jarring.