Whatcha Watchin' (Season 2)

Oops! Meant to put my comment about Behind Her Eyes here:

I finished it last night, and the big twist made a hard turn into trope territory. It looks like it was written by a person who really doesn’t understand why the denouement would be doomed to fail. People, their cultures, and their relationships are complex and take years to develop.

Creating a main character of a different race and showing no relationships with people of a similar background except a child and an ex isn’t enough. I cannot help thinking of the many plot points that would have changed if they’d been flipped. When Louise broke into the house, both times I expected someone to call the police before she got inside.* Would the switch be expected to work if Louise had been from India or China? Maybe it was the drugs that led a white guy from Glasgow to believe he could carry this off in the long term. I would’ve felt better to see that emphasized, along with more missteps to show Rob he was going to have to try again with someone new.

I would love to see another limited series where the world teaches Rob a few lessons. First, he’d find out the hard way that a Black woman with money is still a Black woman. Second, he’d learn that people from minority cultures tend to know far more about the majority than members of the majority realize - but that the reverse is rarely true. Finally, he’d learn that finding a new victim using his current guise would be a lot more difficult than his first two experiences.

*A Black woman, obviously & noisily breaking into a big house in a nice neighborhood, and nobody noticed? :roll_eyes: Since this was set in the UK, I thought she’d wind up in jail. If it has been in the US, the expected outcome would’ve been much worse.