Whatcha Watchin' (Season 2)

A former coworker of mine died recently. He had such a lifelong thing for Wonder Woman that nobody who ever knew him ever saw any mention of the franchise without thinking of him. We had an officially sanctioned easter egg system (harm reduction, dontcha know) and every one of his courses had a WW animation hidden behind the title screen, bombastic horn section and all.

It’s been really shitty that he died right before this movie finally came out, so it’s kind of uplifting to learn that it just sucks so hard. Ya didn’t miss much, Michael.


I’ve watched The Expanse, Mr. Robot, Westworld. Pretty much all of them. Much as I love the drama series, I’ve found one that (in my opinion) trumps (sorry) them all. It’s got escapism, sunshine, lovable cast, relaxation, education and above all fun. Best of all, free.
This might be cheating, but:

It’s just f’kin lovely. Enjoy.
(kept me going for more than 2 yrs)


FloridaManJefe, you know what I’m talking about. :slight_smile:

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Not sure I like this casting.


Two series I finished recently that I enjoyed more than I expected to was Doom Patrol and Sweet Home.


It could always be worse.



Paula Deen is still a thing?

Just recently binged; got bored & quit at S4.

It got too stupid to me in S2; so I quit.

Watched all the way through, and I still don’t know why I bothered.

Sounds interesting, actually.


Still enjoying Expanse, but admittedly only seen first seasons of WW and Mr Robot.

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That’s cool; continue to enjoy. :slight_smile:

Me, I tend to get bored fairly easily when it comes to tv.

As I often say, Vince Gilligan pretty much ruined me for any show which is less than ‘sublime.’

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I feel you have saved me some time on those other ones.
But yeah, Vince has set an unbelievably high standard.


Just wrapped up season 2 of the Umbrella Academy… I enjoyed all the 60s aesthetics and historical detail and I like how they developed the characters this season, too. The introduction of Lila and Harlan seems like it’s going to have repercussions, with regards to the Sparrow Academy, in some way, with Harlan manifesting powers at the end there. Also, with regards to Reginald Hargreaves, dudes an alien, which explains much of his behavior, but I wonder how that is going to play into this next season since he’s back… I wonder if that means that Pogo and the Handler are still alive in this new timeline.


S2 was even better than S1, which I liked despite its flaws.


I think I agree. I liked the characters much more now in this season.


I’m guessing you have both (meaning Mindy & Mel) have seen Lovecraft Country. I’m halfway through the first season and both loving it and being disturbed by it. I’m going to finish the season but I’d love to hear your views.


I have not seen it yet, no.

Holy shit… Anyone else watched Japan Sinks 2020 yet?

The end of episode 2… W. T. A. F.


It’s bloody gory, but don’t let that put you off.

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Yeah I was surprised early on at the actual horror, which is not something I normally see on TV.

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The horror is bloody and visceral, but mixed in with the absolute terror of 1950’s deep south racism was what I found equally disturbing. I knew it went on, but then I’ve had the luck of being a thousand miles from it. But this is horror on two fronts. I think it’s brilliantly done, and timely.

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