What's the *worst* movie you've ever seen?

Perhaps in the MST3K version, as long as you’re already intoxicated before the credits even roll. It’s weapons-grade horrible, something you’d use as a diabolical torture, so it fits the MST3K oeuvre.

It features the go-go ray, which makes policemen dance uncontrollably (of course!). And a plutonium powered hearing aid. And footage directly (and illegally) lifted from other films, newsreels and commercials.

I have just discovered that this movie was re-released, after Jerry Warren settled the copyright infringement lawsuits, as She Was a Hippy Vampire.


It is awesome! The writer/director/producer was offered big money by DC to not release it and won a court case over copyright for the name and released it. He would have made more money taking the buyout.

The director had said he never aspired to make anything of quality and his films stand by that.

This a movie with vision! Incoherent, drunken double vision… It is also quite fun.


I glanced over at my seatmate’s screen, the CGI artists were very talented.

Shame that everything else about it seemed wretched.


The Phantom Menace is of course awful.

But if you’re reconsidering it anyway, the “JarJar is the master Sith” theory makes it much, much better. And funnier. Make sure to watch the videos, which elucidate and exemplify the ideas quite well.

The Phantom Menace is of course awful.

ETA: The Phantom Menace is of course awful.


But is The Phantom Menace awful?


I don’t know what @moosemalloy really thinks, but The Phantom Menace is of course awful.


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