Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/05/14/when-bread-goes-kawaii-rainbo.html
We have reached peak sourdough.
I was once at a dinner where they served a rainbow bread. The biggest problem was that blue and green crumbs ended up on the rest of the meal, making it look like everything was covered in mold.
It reminds me of the story I heard - I think it was abut the Kon Tiki expedition, but it may well have been some other similar excursion - when from time to time they ran low on bread flour. The baker, who was Russian, IRRC, was told to ration the bread. “No need,” he said, “I can make it last.” – “How are you going to do that?” he was asked. He just smiled. When he produced his next batch of loaves he had used vegetable colouring to colour the loaves blue. People still ate it, but found it off-putting. So they ate less. And he was able to spin out his bread flour until the next consignment.
Blech! That’s very unappetizing.
Fun, though
or a human version of the ‘Brainbow’ mouse brain
I think they should rename the bread then; brainbow bread.
Holly: Lasts longer than any other milk, dog’s milk.
Lister: Why?
Holly: No bugger’ll drink it.
Reminds me of an Alfred Hitchcock dinner party where he had managed to make all the food, down to the butter, blue.
What a coincidence… We were supposed to leave for Kauai this morning. : (
You spelled kowaii wrong.
“Brain is controller!”
We, too, were supposed to have just arrived from a cruise Vancouver → Hawai’i this week
I love rainbow foods, but not this. The colour of food pre informs you what the food will taste like which means thing is just going to be a confusing mess in your mouth. Also why I wouldn’t make cherry cupcakes with, say, a green icing.