When teen defies anti-vax parents and gets shots, his mom says it's a "slap in the face"

Welcome to the world, you don’t always get to do what you think is right in any given circumstance. The OP may absolutely be fired for doing what you suggest, and how is that going to be helpful?


What about a 12-year-old who doesn’t want to get vaccinated but his/her parents do want them to get vaccinated? The question is: are there more likely to be stupid 12-year-olds or stupid 40-year-olds? It’s unsolvable but on the average I hope the 40-year-olds have better judgment than their kids.

Generally, unless it’s a vaccination that doesn’t come up during infancy or toddler years, a parent who believes in vaccing will have it done before the kid is old enough to protest. Unless you’re going to live in an area with prevalent dengue or yellow fever, you don’t generally get the shots.


I volunteer to slap his parents in the face…




If I ever have kids you can bet they’re getting the HPV vaccine when they’re 11 or 12, whether or not they want it.


Perhaps a physical slap would have realigned her antiquated thinking.

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Ok, i will ignore the personal attack for now and just try to educate you, so pay attention. I mentioned 3 broad catagories, so lets go with that.

  1. Sex. She wants contraception. I can write the script, sure. Where does she get it filled free? He has “a funny drip.” The responsible thing to do is culture it due to high incidence of resistant GC here. Lab will not run that free. So we are irresponsible and just write a script and hope. Again, where does this get filled?

  2. Drugs. I do the “its a really bad idea, dont do it” talk all the time. So a kid has a problem and needs help. I can refer for drug counselling or an addiction center. I can not refer to one and tell them, btw, this has to be free.

  3. Mental health. Depression, anxiety, abuse. Absolutely, see it way too often. Cornerstones of treatment are counselling and medication. These are surprisingly effective, and also surprisingly not free.

We do no-charge patients an alarming amount of the time, according to our finance guys, but our charges are such a small proportion of the overall cost, these kids are pretty much screwed. I would love to have better options, and am open to your wisdom. Please, if you have an answer i am all ears.


People aren’t Juke Boxes…


It starts off with a few smart kids getting vaccinations, the the next thing you know we’ll have roving gangs of pro-vax kids helping everyone out!

The Sharps:


“When you inject you inject all the way from your first, MMR to your last dying day.”


Oh, trust me, with the 11 year old boosters now (HPV, TDaP, meningococcal meningitis) we have lots of 11-12 year olds who do not want but the parents are usually pretty hard core about it.


Mine too!

Oh, wait, did you mean this?

Or maybe…okay, no, I’m not going there.


Oh lord no.

This one!


I talk to my teen about this all the time, and they’ve seen a PBS doc about it. We like to say “your brain’s still cooking, so borrow part of mine for a few more years.” I have a very smart and self-possessed 15 year old.


I hate that he felt he needed to wait until he was 18. He could almost certainly have gotten the vaccinations earlier. Laws vary, but in most places youths as young as 14 can make medical decisions for themselves.

Related - young people still covered by parents’ insurance can also prevent the parents from accessing private health information with a simple form with the insurance company and the healthcare provider.


Getting vaccinated is “a slap in the face”, but trying to indirectly murder your own child isn’t?


That’s a really great way to put it.


No form is necesary to prevent access to info in protected catagories at the office. If the patient expresses a wish to not have their parents notified, i am obligated to comply with that wish. I am unaware of any form that allows insurance companies to provide benefits without providing the policy holder an EOB. I do not claim to be an authority on insurance coverage regarding minor children, though. If there are any mutants with that expertise, i would love to hear from you.


Absolutely! The line forms behind me.

As an added bonus if she wears a MAGA hat then we should get to slap her twice.