White Culture

Or as we call it here: Asshole American Tourists.


White lady and patent attorney uses trademark trolling to try and prevent high school from rebranding to non-racist nickname:


So she filed trademarks for those names for a t-shirt business? That isn’t the same industrial category as a high school. They can completely ignore her as long as they don’t sell t-shirts. They can wear t-shirts with the names, they can compete in uniforms with the names, they can do everything except compete with her t-shirt business with those names.

I do hope the school board calls her bluff, because legally, her move is idiotic.


Wow. That lady needs a hobby. “We don’t mean the old nickname in a racist way” doesn’t make it less racist.
I think @DukeTrout is correct- this probably won’t work. Just printing a term on some T-shirta isn’t true use, it’s an ornamental mark Essentially, it’s ornamental and not integral to the business

She’s also running for office as a Democrat. Not a great look for some one running against a democratic incumbent as a Democrat. Hopefully both efforts fail.


I don’t think she has a chance in the house primary and might be thinking she can use this wedge issue to pull over Democrats also clinging to a racist local legacy or something. I don’t think it will work. Those folks will likely be voting Republican in any case.

I hope so, too. This appears to be a tactic to delay the change that has been in the works for about 5 years with the hope of removing/replacing school board members before the school is all-in on the expense of rebranding.


Update to the lady mad about her old high school’s rebrand to stop being racist. She introduced her multi-phase trademark trolling plan at the last board meeting:

One of the board members, who is battling cancer, heard a comment from the community second-hand that someone didn’t understand why he has worked so hard on the rebrand because he would be dead soon anyway. He gives a really, really good speech on why he cares. There is video and a (flawed) transcript of the speech in the link above.

The overlap between folks clinging to the racist nickname because their memories are more important than the lived experiences of students today and the complete lack of empathy for someone fighting for their life is hardly surprising.


Thanks for calling attention to that video, very moving display of white allyship done right. :+1: :clap:


A powerful speech. It must be so hard to stand up for what is right when battling cancer and have this petty jerk come in with her legal scare tactics.
Tactics which aren’t going to work if the school board continues to stand. Those trademark claims are weak at best.
I particularly like the idea of a lighthouse for their symbol. One of protection and guidance instead of aggression

As for Brumm, she needs to get a hobby. She can have her cherished memories of the racist name. Changing it now won’t change those memories.
But the students now and the students to come shouldn’t be burdened with it. And their competing and sister schools shouldn’t either.

Benedict Cumberbatch Drinking GIF




The final episode is the most perfect end to a wonderful series.


Tennessee state Rep. Justin Jones (D) brought two resolutions to the floor of the lower chamber on Monday, both of them congratulating Nashville-area musicians on winning their first Grammy awards the week before.

One was for Paramore, a Tennessee-based emo-pop band that had won Grammys for best rock album and best alternative music performance. The other was for Allison Russell, a folk musician who had won the Grammy for best American roots performance.

But Rep. Jeremy Faison (R) had a problem with one of them. With an objection, he removed the resolution honoring Russell from the consent calendar, while not doing the same for the one honoring Paramore. Jones responded that singling out Russell, who is Black, is a “shameful” example of “Jim Crow thinking.” Paramore, whose members are White, rebuked Faison’s objection as “blatant racism.”



The 1910 lynching of Allen Brooks in Downtown Dallas was printed on postcards sent nationwide

The lynching of Allen Brooks was celebrated by thousands on Main and Akard Street in 1910 and printed on postcards.

Content warning on story pictures.


"What does that say about who we once were?”

“Once were?” Dude, we never left that, it just hid under a slimy rock for a time. We need to deal with this shit in the present.


Ugh… this was so fucking common at the time…

A former (now dearly departed) professor at GSU, Jacqueline Rouse, once helped a local African American history museum put together a display of these postcards from around GA… difficult work, as you can imagine. Just really horrific stuff to have to work with. But (she told us in class) she persevered and put on her best objective historian persona and did the research and work for the thing. They opened and she led the first group of people through to view it after they opened. She was standing there, talking about the exhibit to the first group. A gentleman standing nearby looked down at one of the display cases, pointed at a postcard and said “that’s my uncle”… Needless to say that “objective” persona did not continue.

Another ATL story about the horrors of lynching from the time… the writer and scholar WEB DuBois was working at the Atlanta University Center at the beginning of the century (he was there during the ATL race massacre in 1906). He got a letter of introduction to Joel Chandler Harris, who worked at either the ATL Journal or the ATL constitution (I can’t remember which). He goes downtown to meet him, walks past a store owned by white people, and they’re selling fingers of a lynched black man as souvenirs. DuBois left in disgust and never went to meet with Harris…


Receipts Reaction GIF by reactionseditor




gawd i hate this. and ever thus, yoing white girl or teen (preferably blonde) goes missing and the whole country stops. news blares on for days into weeks “where is …?”
another native woman is missing…
we won’t even know her name.


Bears sued over alleged racial bias in diversity fellow hiring

