White House photos of Trump "working" in hospital show him writing own name on blank piece of paper

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The reason he is president is because a lot of people feel, with real justification, that they were abandoned long ago by the political establishment. If you know you can’t have a decent life under the current system, why not burn it down?

Edit: I want to be clear that I am not a fan of Donald Trump.

I made this comment to speculate about a major mindset I think led to his rise, not to endorse it. I’m sorry this was definitely not made clear.

I think a lot of his supporters do have real troubles, and even justifiable fear and anger, in part caused by an entrenched system that really doesn’t seem to care about anybody. Maybe I’m projecting.

I also think his supporters have horribly misdirected the fear and anger they feel (they’ve let themselves be manipulated into blaming people with even less power than themselves for their troubles), and I shouldn’t have shrugged that off originally. I do think they are the bad guys, just maybe not two-dimensional bad guys.

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I approve of this. If he’s sitting in random rooms writing his name on bits of paper, he is keeping out of trouble.

Because then you are left with only a pile of ashes, and you have even less than you had before.


Because it’s not just about you.


Potemkin Paperwork.


And yet those same people come off as consummate whiners in comparison to POC, LGBTQ+, and women in the grand scheme of things. They’ve had all the advantages, but still whinge.


What? His clothes are a prop? His arm??


Him. I didn’t have much to work with.


That’s some mighty uncanny mediocrity; when all of society is inherently set up to enable and facilitate one specific group based solely upon a superficial physical attribute, yet there are still numerous members of that group who never actually excel or prosper.

It’s almost like rich White people in power have completely rigged it so that only other rich White people are ever in any position of power.


You’re not burning it down by putting a billionaire in charge. You’re empowering more of the same policies that put you where you are.

Also - most of the guys feeling like this won’t be the ones thrown on the pyres.



I think of them as Don Plagueis and Mike Mike Pence.


That excuse might have flown in 2016, but after four years of this disgraceful “Presidency” it’s simply nonsense.


He requires adulation, and anything else pales in comparison to that addiction.


This dumpster fire is president thanks to a few thousand voters in “winner-take-all” swing states and the electoral college. But you already knew that, didn’t you, comrade?


His master would be proud of this newest tribute to Russian tradition (and right after the vanishing of Commissar Brad Parscale).

Because nihilism and self-destruction are a poor alternative to taking action to try to fix things for the better (unless, like certain autocratic and authoritarian regimes and like certain white supremacists, one is rooting for the U.S. to self-immolate).


Love because I’m gonna take your word on that Killer Tomato thing. I want ‘un chien andalou’ of him sticking his uncovered head in every ward shouting “Salvador! Salvador! I loved the sound of my own name,” and a small chat about how he “doesn’t even need the E most brains make to get by” but might’ve been in compassionate use if indeed tables cannot be covered in cocoa or something while convalescence gets a moment to itself. Whatever Camus for the unwilling to acknowledge France is, but requiring no hot chiles. Who knows if quinine gets a gas-up, but it wasn’t mentioned.

Pan 52 to 43 left. Stop. Zoom in. Stop. Go right. Gimme hardcopy right there. [Printer hits brass symphony with xylophone hard. Deckard makes grinding Polaroid Instant noises offscreen.]


Is your electric sheep buzzing?


He held a covid parade and exposed a lot more secret service folks to the virus! I guess parades are a good substitute for golf.


Why? Because it can always get worse.