White SC cops pull black passenger out of car, take turns publicly cavity-searching him

if you are robbed or raped the police will maybe show up after to record the fact you have been robbed or raped. Perhaps someone be arrested although that is often statistically pretty unlikely depending on the crime and location as well as the race of the victim. Maybe they will arrest and imprison someone and maybe they will be the guilty party and maybe that person will be raped too, which is supposed to make you feel better I suppose? And that is assuming you weren’t robbed or raped by the police.
The role of the police in society is to reinforce the structural inequality which creates crime in the first place. Of course the police are in a war against the people, they enforce the interests of the class that enjoys a monopoly of power in our society which is engaged in constant violence against everyone else.


“Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help, help, I’m being repressed!”


Talk to cops. You’ll find more support there then you’d imagine you would.

They are more pissed then we are.

Because every asshole that does this puts them in danger. Personally.

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Too true. But good luck getting that to stick in the heads of middle-class white people.


Is it? Is that true?

Fuck… It is.


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While I’m generally not one to bash unions, there is a pretty tight connection between police behavior and the actions we see. Even once we see indisputable evidence of horrifying actions the police union contracts are generally structured in such a way that any fired officer brings their case before arbitration and gets rehired, often with a nice settlement. Then you layer that with contract clauses, like we see in Chicago, where disciplinary actions fall off their record in a short time.


If South Carolina’s anti-sodomy law still applies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_South_Carolina, maybe the cops could be indited on those charges.


Sometimes, if a message is set to a tune, it can help with recollection.

  1. Yes, at least on this site, I feel certain we would have strong negative opinions if we heard of a similar story in another country;

  2. While they have their own human and civil rights problems, I do not believe either of those countries have this particular issue. This is unique to the U.S.


It’s all how shit plays out when the police are there to protect and serve property rights.

The US ideals are all about property. People owning things. Land, ideas, other people.

What’s mine is mine.

That actually changed. Because people voted to change that… And fought to even get a right to vote.

But the police are archaic institutions… The Penn state troopers were just deputized Union busting thugs. So yeah… The state granting license to use force to protect property.

So we voted to change to focus of the US from stuff to citizens. And let’s vote to change police to start enforcing those laws.

I’d like to see the story in which a police officer goes rogue and arrests a fucking crooked investment banker. Frames him on a drug charge.

Hey… Why doesn’t that happen?


More like “Help, help, I’m being raped and killed!”


hashtag no lives matter but the disgusting rapist cops


[quote=“some_guy, post:19, topic:76013”]
If you are robbed or raped, who you gonna call, Ghostbusters?
[/quote]Well, the discussion at hand is about the police raping someone, so yes, I think they would rather call the Ghostbusters.


I agree. As a Crohn’s disease sufferer for decades, this kind of thing (and there have been [many] (http://www.infowars.com/woman-claims-sexual-assault-after-cops-perform-body-cavity-search-over-marijuana/) other examples in the press, and probably LOTS more not reported) makes me so frigging angry, I simply can’t express it. In the guy’s place, I would probably have a psychotic break, and get executed by the cops.


Well, I agree, in that I don’t think a bargaining agreement actually causes racism. More the other way round, and even there, it’s fuzzy. The racism is there first, and unfortunately, the agreements protect it, like they protect a lot of bad cop behavior. I think unions are extremely useful and important but in this case, something has to be done.


No. We have bad cops, and we have cops who use silence, willful ignorance, and lies to enable the bad cops.


Be nice if they’d go public with this support.


It really would. Yeah. That’s the rule cops never break.

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Funny how “Cavity Search” sounds so much more polite and procedural than “Gang Rape”.


Most every time, I am pro-union. Except police unions. I want them broken up with extreme prejudice.