White Starbucks customer rants on "discrimination" slowing his order

He may or may not be mentally ill. 1/6 of all Americans have a mental illness. However, it’s no excuse for being a total raging asshole to everyone for years on end.

BTW, if he hates Cubans, what kind of name is Sanguesa? It sure doesn’t sound Anglo to me.


well there is certainly a huge one everywhere he goes…

bravo! :clap:

He says he wasn’t motivated by racism. “I was wrong for getting upset,” he explains, “but I’m not going to respond anymore. This is out of control. I’m being harassed by people all over the country.”

awwwww…is being harassed not fun? maybe think about that next time you harass someone arsehole. his calling her garbage and trash just hurt to hear :sob:, how can anyone treat another human being that way?

“She refused to serve us coffee because we voted for Donald Trump,” Sanguesa says.

I call bullshit. He wasn’t wearing any trump paraphernalia. How would anyone even know he voted for Trump unless he was already being an asshole, which is likely the cause of any alleged refusal of service if it even happened. no one is going to take your money, then refuse you service unless something happened.

Sanguesa says the video clip chops off the “first 20 minutes” of the encounter.

Also bullshit. This encounter is a few minuted in tops.


goddamnit i need an antifa chaser

It’s gonna be a long tedious four years, but I’m hoping a lot more of this shit will wake people up to the assholes among us and guide their conscience in the voting booth.

I’m also hoping that here in Massachusetts the assholes know they are outnumbered and will (mostly) tone it down.


Assholes vs massholes, right?


Ha. Typically with Massholes you just have to worry about their driving.



Nah, Florida man doesn’t wear a sweatervest.



Could you point out for me what in that quote indicates mental illness rather than assholery? Because i’m not an asshole. In person, and i think online mostly too, i’m one of the nicest, mildest, most polite and calm people around. I’ve definitely got that California mellow from growing up there. But i am mentally ill, having a relatively mild type of bipolar disorder. So, again, why does that passage indicate ‘mental illness’ to you (or anyone else that chooses to answer)?


Ya gotta love these types, and how they have their own facts. Labor force participation rates have dropped 5% since the year 2000. The labor force participation rates are still higher than the era that Trump says was when we were last “great”.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but some time in 2011, I realized that I was driving myself crazy with my job, and that basically my job was paying for my travel to and from work, daycare, and a few other things. My wife’s salary is somewhere around national median income, and higher than local median household income. Why should I drive myself to an early grave, essentially to pay for the privilege of working?

Yes, please. I know there was a point in time when BoingBoing seemed to be on-board with callout culture, and for the most part it seems like they’re backing away from that. How many times over the past few years have we seen that go horribly wrong? One famous example would be Spike Lee’s attempt to doxx George Zimmerman, only to find out that, oopsies, wrong Zimmerman.

And if you were okay with that because racism trumps innocent people getting harassed…go stand in the corner and think about what you’re doing wrong.


From the article: ‘But Sanguesa says the video clip chops off the “first 20 minutes” of the encounter.’

Good grief man. It’s a cup of coffee. On top of that, they CAN refuse you service based on who you voted for! (At least at the federal level ‘who you voted for’ is not something that offers you protection like gender, race, religion – maybe in FL but I doubt it).


How does one apply for this loyalty program? I’d save several thousand dollars a year by being banned from Starbucks. I shouldn’t have to don a sweater vest and act like a privileged racist asshole to enroll.


I prefer the mantra I’ve been repeating since 09Nov: we’re fucked.


glad this is the most commented on subject on boingboing. starting to feel unimportant as a cracker.

From elsewhere in the quoted article:

…Today, he told Local 10 news that he has mental illness and was off his medication during the war-of-words…


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They shouldn’t ask, but I seriously doubt they did. More likely he yelled “I VOTED FOR TRUMP! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!” unprompted, just like he did on the video. If that’s the case, banhammer his ass.


I think it’s more that drivers from other places need to learn our driving rules!

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And it was another white man who called him out. This is really important.


It’s also important that this guy is a self-hating white Latino.