White supremacists call for Star Wars boycott because imaginary brown people

McFrugals or Big Lots.

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Might be bestiality laws in some other countries…

Honestly I’ve dated human males almost as hairy. And articulate.


I knew a guy who, hand to god, with out my glasses I swore he had on a sweater.

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Babylon 5 had a “approved cross species list” that one had to stick to. I would like to think it is as simple as genital compatibility. If your whatzits dont fit in her whoohaa with any amount of shared pleasure, move along.


I couldn’t watch a one of them all the way through. I don’t even remember the bits and pieces I think I may’ve seen. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones!

I recently tried watching them again for the first time since the cinema.

The scary thing is that TPM isn’t even the worst one.


See, I wouldn’t know…I’m not even sure what episode that is!

And I was one of - if not the - first to see Episode V…sigh, ah yes, 1980 wasn’t a bad year, all things considered. Except for Reagan.


Turkish Star Wars is where the action’s really at.


Years ago for the whatever anniversary of the original film I saw it in the theater and was kinda like wow these people can’t act their way out of a wet paper bag. It was a lot of fun but a bit of a let down after having been exposed to so many better movies in the intervening years.

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I stand here now, speechless. There’s some kind of sick, beautiful irony in the fact that those boycotters completely missed the point of all of these films. They somehow don’t see that they’re the Empire, they’re the evil people; a clone army stamping out those that are different from them, enslaving alien populations, promoting “order” and homogeny through totalitarian control and fear.

There’s not really a lot of irony here since most of these people quite openly sympathize with the Empire. I’ve seen loads of fascists online who are huge fans of the Sith. This isn’t a coincidence.

OK, so why is it that bestiality laws say that it is wrong for humans, but not amongst other species? If I call the cops because my dog is fucking a pig, are they going to do anything besides laugh? Unfortunately, apart from a universal notion of “consent”, bestiality laws seem to codify the religious notion that humans are somehow More Special than other species. Most of the legislative debate around it has been rather daft.

ETA: A limited form of consent, anyway, which exempts them from sex, but not slavery, murder or being eaten!

You really shouldn’t fuck or otherwise sexually interfere with animals though… .

You weren’t suggesting otherwise were you?

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Must… not… Google… “Wookie genitals”…


Exactly, sex with plants should be good enough!

I thought I was clearly explaining that the debates about such legislation have tended to be rife with contradiction. I am not telling anybody what they should or shouldn’t do. So long as sex is consensual, it doesn’t concern me who is doing it.

Episode II is okay. I mean, it’s not a great film, but if I wanted to show somebody Star Wars I think I’d do

  • Star Wars (1977) (despecialized)
  • The Empire Strikes Back (despecialized)
  • Attack of the Clones
  • Return of the Jedi (special edition, maybe)

Episode II would work as a kind of flashback.

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Stick III in after II and you have machete order.

But AotC is hands-down the worst of the films. It is utterly dire.


In my opinion, whatever you fill in with your imagination cannot help but be 100X better than what actually happens on the screen in Episode III. The film just mechanically moves the pieces around to bridge the awkward chasm between where things end in II and the completely unrelated beginning of IV.

Which is not even necessary. It’s absurd that nothing happens for twenty years.

Vader’s suit looks exactly the same? They dump Luke on Tattooine why? Having Luke and Leia be siblings was fucking stupid, but if they had to do it, the scene in VI where Leia remembers their mother was a pretty good scene. And Episode III just flatly contradicts it.

Skip straight to Return of the Jedi. But like, these are just crappy movies. Do what you want.

Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back are not crappy movies ;-|


… animals and children cannot consent to sex. Let’s keep it legal ok?