Why "All Lives Matter" instead of "Black Lives Matter" is such a stupid thing to say

Hold old is that man, because he is still gorgeous!



Can I use them all at once?


Maybe a different one each day?

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I am a firm believer in all lives mattering and think no such romantic bullshit about the civil war. Then again I have been behind the eightball due to disability keeping me from driving in a country that DEMANDS you drive, so should i go on about Disabled Lives mattering?

No. All Lives Matter. The Disabled. The Minority. THe Ethnic. THe White. Everyone.

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Yes, I think you should. I think everyone should.

Please don’t misunderstand. No one is saying that not all lives matter.

The problem addressed in the OP and throughout much of this thread is the assertion, when people (most of whom are black) say “Black lives matter” in the context of a growing national movement, that all lives matter.

When people are advocating for better treatment of disabled people, and they say something akin to “Disabled lives matter!,” wouldn’t it be equally inappropriate for others to barge in and say, “What do you mean? Don’t you know that ALL lives matter?!”


I don’t know, I already have so many white people that are obsessed with my alleged horrible problems that they have been following me around for years.

If anyone else wants to take a turn, they have to go to the - oh shit.


Nothing is explained. A strawman is built, and then painted broadly onto anyone who uses a set of words for no logical reason whatsoever. You might as well say “because hashtags work in mysterious ways” and call that “explained.”

YOu are aware that Native Americans were kicked out of their lands and sent on an arduous and often lethal march to the least desirable plot of land in the country, amirite?

We don’t have a #nativelivesmatter movement though. Because they STILL don’t get the attention they deserve.

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Hell. We were taught in state history how the cherokee went and battled for their land rights up to and including the supreme court and winning… and then Andrew Jackson going ‘well, try enforcing it’ and marching the lot of them off to Oklahoma basically with the intent of killing them off through forced relocation.

That is correct. No one was treated worse than the Native Americans were. I think everyone here is wrong for arguing. I would just love for everyone to be treated fairly. It’s not a pipe dream. We can do it.

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Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away
its vital unity. Hate destroys a man’s sense of values and his
objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the
ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false
with the true. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

The objection to using “All Lives Matter” as a replacement for “Black Lives Matter” has been thoroughly explained several times and in several ways throughout the original article, the summary, and the 200+ comments above.

If you choose to ignore or disregard those explanations then that’s on you.


What is really endearing about some of these failed counter-arguments is the mechanisms used. Especially among the younger or stupider.

For instance, appropriating MLK. Oh yeah, like that’s new, MLK stood for equality so singling out black people for anything is obviously disputable by quoting MLK…

No one’s ever thought of that, no one even noticed when President -fucking- Reagan appropriated MLK’s words to state that equality had in his presidency been achieved in the USA, so he could scrap many federal programs purposed in MLK’s time to work towards that goal.

You remember the 80’s? When the USA achieved equality?

That’s probably the best example. But it’s still nice to see it among sea-lions that answer their own posts.

It’s hard to determine whether false equivalencies in racial politics is a better hill to die on than ethics in games journalism, but the same tools are found on both hills.


To summarize:

  • Saying “all lives matter” without any other context, out of the blue, apropos of nothing, is perfectly fine. Well, all human lives, anyway. Sort of. It’s complicated.

  • Saying “all lives matter” in response to someone saying “black lives matter” is almost indisputably a dick move, as explained in detail in the source article (if you bothered to read it) and as explained at great length in the above posts (if you bothered to read those).

To be fair, this nuance is properly covered in the title: instead of.


If you feel the disabled are an under served group, then yes. Make it your battle cry.

“Black Lives Matter” is trying to focus on the treatment of black people by the justice and government systems. By trying to change the slogan to “All Lives Matter” it changes the focus of the argument, and allows the people in power to avoid addressing the problem at hand: more black people are dying at the hands of police officers who act outside of SOP, and the deceased (and their supporters) are under constant threat of character assassination, and harassment by police forces for speaking the truth. Anyone who tells you differently is delusional or lying.


OK After actually watching the ‘all lives matter’ camp… jeeze. what racist assholes.

Sorry guys.

Edit: I mean to me everyone matters, but the whole movement thing. eesh… I kinda feel bad now.


We are all crushed by the boot heel called Friends. Some are crushed with weary smiles. Eat at Arbys.


Where did you watch them? I have only heard about them here.

Family discussion.

Yes. Absolutely.

From the BlackLivesMatter About Page:

When we say Black Lives Matter, we are broadening the conversation around state violence to include all of the ways in which Black people are intentionally left powerless at the hands of the state. We are talking about the ways in which Black lives are deprived of our basic human rights and dignity. How Black poverty and genocide is state violence. How 2.8 million Black people are locked in cages in this country is state violence. How Black women bearing the burden of a relentless assault on our children and our families is state violence. How Black queer and trans folks bear a unique burden from a hetero-patriarchal society that disposes of us like garbage and simultaneously fetishizes us and profits off of us, and that is state violence. How 500,000 Black people in the US are undocumented immigrants and relegated to the shadows. How Black girls are used as negotiating chips during times of conflict and war. How Black folks living with disabilities and different abilities bear the burden of state sponsored Darwinian experiments that attempt to squeeze us into boxes of normality defined by white supremacy, and that is state violence.

You don’t have to be black to support justice for black people with disabilities. You don’t have to be black to benefit from a society that better accommodates and includes black people with disabilities.