Why CNN gave Miley Cyrus top spot over Syria

If the MIC had wanted US involvement in Syria, they’d have been beating the war drums two years ago

They’ve been beating the war drums for Syria much longer than that. Are you kidding? You obviously didn’t check out my links and/or video in my posts.

We don’t have a gung-ho President suffering from feelings of inadequacy

I think Obama has shown many traits of someone who feels inadequate especially once you consider how often he’s crumbled while trying to appease Republicans and/or his corporatist masters.

We’re certainly not scared of Syria. I just don’t see it happening

I hope you’re right. But, don’t be too shocked if it does happen. Bush/Cheney mastered the art of pushing through policies that the American public didn’t support. Willfully ignoring the will of the people is now a governmental status quo in many cases.

They are hitting the war drums hard, very similar to Iraq…

Hagel is ready…

I think they’ve already got Thursday penned in on the calendar for a strike…

Probably the only reason we haven’t bombed Syria already is because Republicans attempt to hinder anything Obama tries to do, even when they agree with it.

Care to point out what in your links differentiates factual reporting about a horrific war versus beating the war drums?

There is no guesswork there.

Yes, there is. You ironically provided guesswork in your very next paragraph. And, not very good guesswork either since you left out all the evidence of the rebels using chemical weapons themselves.

Once again, we’re talking about entering war, not some trade agreement, etc.

Is there really much harm in getting concrete, hard evidence together before we profitably bomb the shit out of some country? What is that going to solve anyway?

You think we’ll properly target chemical stockpiles? Bullshit.

Wow, that’s lazy. Once again, how about you read through my links and watch the video, etc.? If you’re still confused, start here.

HINT: It’s about the money. If you still can’t see it after reading my previous posts, and investigating the links I presented (and bothering yourself to watch the video at the bottom)… then let’s just agree to disagree.

I’m not interesting in a mindless “debate” with someone being intellectually lazy. Being purposefully obtuse (or otherwise) doesn’t work on me, sorry. That’s the same kind of thinking that got us into the Iraq War.

There is no guesswork regarding Jobar and other areas being shelled by the SAA. At the time of the gas attacks, that is what was going on. Do try to keep up, by the way. Even Damascus acknowledges as much. The only thing to guess about is whether the SAA used a mix of conventional and sarin mortars and rockets in their barrages, or whether the FSA dogpiled and deployed sarin gas on their own positions while they were being shelled by the SAA with conventionals.

Believe it or not, some of us actually understand enough Arabic to see for ourselves. Mount Qassioun is pretty recognizable. You see a video of Mount Qassioun with flashes coming from it, you conclude the SAA positon is shelling somewhere. You see an amateir video of a nearby site being shelled, and the timestamps are a match, you conclude (SAA SHELLED XXX AT T TIME On D DATE). No need to depend on the military industrial complex. The Syrian amateur videographers do their own work there. (Pro tip: when a Syrian seems to saying a mantra ending with “alfein utlatash”, it’s the date. When he’s repeating the name of a town, it’s the place.)

Or you can indulge in the usual Paranoid Style In American Politics (Left Edition). So much easier.

There is no guesswork … Do try to keep up, by the way. Or you can indulge in the usual Paranoid Style In American Politics (Left Edition).

You then, once again, proceed into… guess what? Guesswork.

The only thing to guess about is whether the SAA used a mix of conventional and sarin mortars

There you go, again. I guess you’re not very self-aware, are you?

So now you’ve attacked me as a paranoid leftist because I don’t want to go to war without hard evidence. Where have I seen that before?

I think I’m going to go out and get some french fries.

Not subject to guesswork: whether the SAA shelled Jobar and nearby areas at the time of the gas attacks.

Not subject to guesswork: whether poison gas was deployed in those areas at the time of the attacks.

Initially subject to guesswork: who deployed the gas. There are two theories: one, the SAA used sarin shells, which they have in abundance. Two: the FSA deployed sarin while dodging the SAA shells, instead of, oh, fighting back. One theory is plausible. The other fails the giggle test.

And all you have is the fact that I used the word “guess” in every paragraph.

You are continually changing the subject from the facts on the ground as made discernible to us by Syrian videographers, to background information and cui-bono material, that is, your highly selective sifting thereof.

That is a classic example of the paranoid style. If you don’t like being associated with it, don’t indulge in it.

You are continually changing the subject

Speak for yourself. You keep saying there’s no guesswork, then you divulge in guesswork. Get a grip.

You’ve finally admitted there’s, indeed, guesswork. It only took several posts and calling me a paranoid leftist to get to this point. Congrats. You’re moving up in your black and white world to some shades of grey.

You should go out and get some freedom fries to celebrate.

Interesting that this is a case where they didn’t go with “if it bleeds, it leads”. I guess sex trumps violence.

Actually, America would probably be a healthier place if we talked more about sex and less about violence.

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There is a difference between using the word “guesswork” and engaging in it. Learn it.


Yay, you’re now resorting to trite semantic arguments after calling me a paranoid leftist because I require things like hard evidence before agreeing to bomb the shit out of some other country. Do you have any other boorish insults or other predictable diversions from my points or are we done here?

(Says the man who gleefully points out I used the word “guesswork” to imply the opposite of what I said.)

Like it or not, when you ignore directly relevant facts and go on and on about background issues (military industrial complex! follow the money!) and cui bono type nonsense, that is a classic example of the paranoid style. As for hard evidence, the Syrian army is right now, as we speak, shelling the hell out of it. Again. There are videos confirming the area was shelled at the time of the gas attacks. There are videos confirming the use of gas itself. There is eyewitness testimony. And all of it readily available to anyone willing to muddle through the Arabic.

The outskirts of Damascus got gassed by the SAA. All the evidence that can be gathered without going there
(and being shelled and sniped at), points to it.

(For all your allegations of drum beating, I note “They” ™ have made very little effort to get these things translated into English, by the way.)

If you haven’t noticed yet … If you haven’t noticed by now … I mean come on already

I’m not sure if you were just ranting or responding to me by accident. But, you do realize you’re preaching to the choir, right?

If you haven’t noticed yet, all these “justifications” are anything but. Even if the Syrian govt has used some form of chemical weapon, does that mean that dropping bombs on the country will do anything but kill a whole lot more innocent people?

It does far more than that. It makes these rich people even richer while continuing to suck away money from average Americans. Don’t ignore the plight of the 0.01 percent. Without more wars, they’ll never afford more super-mega-yachts. Think of those poor, poor rich war profiteers…

Says the man who gleefully points out I used the word “guesswork” to imply the opposite of what I said.

Says the person who repeatedly claimed there was no guesswork, but then went repeatedly into blatant guesswork and now wants to even further distract from my points by delving into the definition of whether or not “guesswork” is a verb or some other off-topic nonsense instead of having the dignity to own up to the fact that whether it’s you or the U.S. government saying that the Syrian government shells contained gas… it is, indeed, at this point just guesswork. To say it’s not is non-factual and ridiculous.

It’s not solid evidence. And, once again, going into war without solid evidence is foolhardy to say the least. And, on top of that, you (nor the U.S. government) has shown any evidence whatsoever that bombing Syria will help the situation anyway.

But, I guess you can just keep trying to distract from that elephant in the room and my points as well. But, sorry, that won’t work on me. The questions and my points (including the rebels use of gas) still stand. If that makes you angry and you want to be infantile and call me a paranoid leftist, then so be it.

Like it or not, when you ignore directly relevant facts

Quit projecting. Once again, you’ve been avoiding the points I made in this post (including the rebels use of gas) like the plague. You’re not fooling anyone.

As for hard evidence, the Syrian army is right now, as we speak, shelling the hell out of it. Again. There are videos confirming the area was shelled at the time of the gas attacks. There are videos confirming the use of gas itself.

So… now you’re guessing (once again) that those shells contained gas, you’re continuing to ignore my points about the rebels use of gas… and now we’re back where we started.

Oh yeah, and you also called me a paranoid leftist… Are you choking on your freedom fries, yet?

By the way, I have another question for you. Where the living fuck are we going to get more money for more wars like this? Haven’t the war profiteers drained us ENOUGH? Here we are still without a single payer system in the USA, massive unemployment, massive foreclosures, rampant corruption and catastrophic wealth inequality among many other massive problems. We need to nation-build the USA and quit lining these motherfuckers pockets, m’kay, sugarpie?

And clearly, the reason we’re discussing a potential US involvement in the SYrian war is because THEY ™ want it as a distraction from issues that might (Heaven forfend!) lead us towards single payer health care. Did you not read your paragraph before hitting “post”?

While you’re at it, did you not notice that for the last 2 years, THEY ™ have been making money hand over fist supplying the FSA with ammunition that the FSA has been using in comically wastefull ways? Look at some of the videos coming out! Every time an ill trained FSA fighter fires off a burst of 50cal machine gun fire in the general direction of an SAA post, THEY ™ make another $50. (No really. That ammo’s pricey.) It’s not just that you’re evading the slight matter of an SAA gas attack on Jobar. You’re not even right about the background information.

Did you not read your paragraph before hitting “post”?

Yes, I do. Remember, it’s your job not to read my posts, nor my links, nor my points, nor my questions, nor view the video …

And, once again, going into war without solid evidence is foolhardy to say the least. And, on top of that, you (nor the U.S. government) has shown any evidence whatsoever that bombing Syria will help the situation anyway.

But, I guess you can just keep trying to distract from that elephant in the room and my points as well. But, sorry, that won’t work on me. The questions and my points (including the rebels use of gas) still stand. If that makes you angry and you want to be infantile and call me a paranoid leftist, then so be it.

The only way to get the evidence that might satisfy you is to place the attacked area under military occupation by a third party. That’s not going to happen. It’s merely an example of your disingenuity.