Why #gamergate is bullshit

With apologies to Voltaire: If SJW did not exist, it would be necessary to invent them.

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This is something of a tangent, but I’m wondering if there’s a layer of them that genuinely rejects sexual intimacy with other human beings. I’ve seen a few people claim as much, that they prefer solitary sexual fantasy and masturbation to actual relationships, but I have no idea how serious that may be or how common.

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And, Inside Higher Ed has discovered The Tag That Shall Not Be Named:

Because the 'gaters have gone after a research association. (AND OMG don’t read the comments; I thought IHE would be safe, but NO.)

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Firstly, I didn’t defend it, I said it doesn’t constitute a threat. I never said, “Well, KingOfPol had it coming. He’s a holocaust denier.” That would be a defense. I was arguing over classification. Pedantry may be annoying to some by I prefer it to the widespread trend of people conveniently redefining words such as terrorism, racism… or gamer to fit their ideology.

Secondly, according to the American Heritage dictionary a threat is “An expression of an intention to inflict pain, harm, or punishment.” Webster’s New World dictionary defines it as “an expression of intention to hurt, destroy, punish, etc., as in retaliation or intimidation.” Semantically, it’s clear that the perpetrator’s intent is determinative and not the victim’s emotional reaction. If the semantic and the legal differ, that’s unfortunate.

Thirdly, anti-gamergate is not my team, nor is political correctness my team, nor identity politics. Anti-gamergate’s not much more rational than gamergate itself, I see that everytime I visit GamerGhazi. I also dislike political correctness, have problems with identity politics, wish games journalism was better, and think Anita Sarkeesian is guilty of “cherry-picking.”

My problems with gamergate are as follows: the conspiretarded claims of “false flag” operations, its habit of lying to itself and/or others about what it’s main focus is (hint: it ain’t journalistic ethics), its habit of disproportionately criticizing women while claiming SJWs are mostly white male hipsters, its habit of claiming criticism from SJWs is a form of soft censorship while engaging in the significantly less-soft censorship of advertiser boycotts, its habit of creating blacklists while criticizing anti-gg blacklists… So mostly conspiretardation, dishonesty, and hypocrisy.


and I said you’re wrong because it does constitute a threat.

I am also a definition pedant and I have explained to you that because it was send to their home address, it’s hard to argue that it’s not a threat. You can try, but you’ll have to be more specific than just telling us it’s not a threat.

Your definitions differ from these ones, both of which would be applicable here:

Protip: statements do not have to be spoken. The second definition listed under [law] looks as if it was purpose-written for proving my argument.

Also, to be clear, I also think Sarkeesian’s video are trolly and dishonest. I just don’t care about any of this garbage. I don’t read games journalism, i just play games. I don’t watch videos made by people to prove a specific point because they’re usually dishonest in some way. I wish everyone on all sides would just shut up about this and stop giving attention to any of the people involved, all of whom - IMO - are self-serving attention seekers.

@MBD - yeah, he’s got you there. You two are doomed. DOOOOMED!

You can tell I’m a pedant because I’m black on this side, and white on t’other!

P.S. I also think it was a implied threat of violence. Much in the same way “We’re selling insurance; You want to be safe, right? It would be a shame if something were to happen to your business. Or your daughter.” is a threat, despite the lack of actionable specifics.


Bless you. Well said.


The idea that people playing with computers and game consoles or that people who harrass other people on the internet are technically inclined or gifted is an illusion. These people represent hackers as much as they represent gamers.

In fact, if they do realize how futile their existence is, its because they don’t have any skills they can be proud of.

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Even Charlie Sheen was able to define a victory condition (“Right every single wrong!”). Considering how many times I have asked gaters in these forums to identify anything they would like to happen as a result of gamergate, and how many replies I’ve gotten that actually identified a single thing that they would like to happen*, I can’t even conceive of what “winning” would mean. Winning implies there is a something they are trying to win.

Like, if their goal was to get hats, and most of them had hats now, we could say they were winning. But they don’t have a goal, they’re just angry. Maybe their goal is actually just to be very, very angry. If that’s true then maybe there is a sense in which they are winning.

* That’s zero, by the way


They are treating this “campaign” as if it was a triple A video game title - they are going to keep grinding through the gameplay even while they hate it.

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When you put it that way yes, there are absolutely individuals in this discussion who ground through Molten Core or Naxxramas and liked it >:D

An example of a threatening letter

What an uncensored Letter to MLK reveals

n. “Lend your sexually psychotic ear to the enclosure,” the letter demands. It concludes with a deadline of 34 days “before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation.”

“There is only one thing left for you to do,” the author warns vaguely in the final paragraph. “You know what it is.”

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They are treating this “campaign” as if it was a triple A video game title - they are going to keep grinding through the gameplay even while they hate it.

Luckily, triple A video game titles tend to be short

Spec Ops : The Line is, apparently, only 4 hours long

Yeah, the question of objectives is an interesting one. ZenOfDesign proposed that the rage of GamerGate could be usefully channeled into a consumer advocacy group, and got quite a lot of shit for it
