Why humans are so enchanted with cats

I think I caught the first 15 minutes (I think?) on the ‘old, weird, cheap movie channel’. It’ll re-run for the rest of the month - good to know.

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Lost Kitty posters which made me giggle


Also a fan of Ned Kelley also starring the same guy. If I recall he directed both those movies himself. Too lazy to check right now


I think those idiots might have been infected - or trying to warn us not to repeat their mistakes…


It’s not just cats.

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My ratio must be off. We have 2.5 people (3 year olds are half people right?) and 2 cats. We need at least 3 maybe 4 more cats. I’ll call a family meeting about it.


I’m afraid the hashtag is an accurate description.

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Are you saying that cats made us plant wheat? those ingenious bastards :slight_smile:

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The posters are hilarious. I need to post some of those around town, give the dog-lovers something to complain about.

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I think it’s more logical the other way around. Wheat forced us to adopt cats. How? Once we had stores of grain we depended on cats to keep the rodents in check.


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