Why is the Star Wars universe so devoid of moms?

This endless analysis of the Star Wars films grows tiresome. Coming up next: why is the Star Wars universe so devoid of borscht?

Anyway, Dune springs to mind as an exceptionally mom-centric story.


But doesn’t Anikin not have a father whatsoever? Conceived by the Force or some Midichlorian nonsense?

Thought: Will we discover the fate of Han Solo’s parents in the upcoming movies? Chewie?

As far as Kylo Ren, his parents seem to have been pretty boring and normal as far as typical parent relationships go, not much tragedy there.

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A movie review for those who want to feel better about the fate of parents in Disney stories

"Okay, okay, sheesh! I take it all back, Disney! Go ahead and kill all the mommies and daddies you want! Shoot 'em, toss 'em off cliffs, throw 'em to the sharks, let 'em disappear in mysterious and unexplained pre-prologue circumstances! I won’t say another word about it! All I ask, and it’s a little thing really, no trouble on your part, is to make sure their offspring are plucky and resourceful and SURVIVE to live Happily Ever After. Okay? Please?

…I am NEVER going to put myself through a movie like this again. NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME"


He had the coolest uncle ever, Chewbacca!


There was a whoooole lot of Star Wars before Disney bought it. And they’re notably hands-off. So it’s not a “Disney thing”.

For a franchise without many actual moms, it has one of the most maternal characters in all of sci fi – Mon Mothma.

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Jeez, that actually made me tear up quite effectively.


Me too. Just found it a few minutes ago. Thought it was definitely worth sharing.


? Do you think our storytelling as a society wasn’t shaped by Disney and the stories that exist but were curated to produce their entertainment?

I dislike the abuse of “red herring” for something that’s not at all a red herring.

Of course they didn’t invent Star Wars.

But the universes are linked through the collective language of story.


So…more of this?


He has a father figure in Watto. Anakin’s main traits (maker culture-ing, suicide racing) come from him, not from his mother.

Yes, but maybe dissecting the simple stories we tell children can tell us something about ourselves.

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Lack of Moms?

As far as I remember Star Wars has had three mothers and two fathers and NO actual family life displayed anywhere. (Could be off on my count if I’m not remembering someone obvious.)

ETA: I didn’t include Rogue One in this because I didn’t think to and enh.


Ohhhhhh yeah!

In the biography of Lucas, “Mythmaker”, by John Baxter, it’s told that his mom kind of spoiled him, while his father wanted him to go into the family office-supply business. Page 24: " ‘He never listened to me’, said his father. ‘If he wanted a camera, or this or that, he got it.’ " And his mom was ill after having her last child (George’s sister Wendy, only eight months younger than George); pp 21-22: “She was never well again, and for the rest of George’s childhood, the Lucas house, like Ramona Avenue itself, lived in shadow.” So maybe that’s it?


It’s too painful for him to face, perhaps, is what I mean.


Well, that was heartbreaking. Thanks.


…and what about Chewbacca’s reunion with Mallatobuck? Look at how happy Lumpawaroo is.

edit Whoops! That’s Attichitcuk in the background.


Here’s Lumpawaroo, the handsome li’l devil.



Caught in a moment when Itchy isn’t watching Wookiee porn.


Damnit, Lumpy!

An old college buddy used to have a copy of The Star Wars Christmas Special in the trunk of his car. It stayed there for ages.