Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

I’ve known you on the various BB-forums for must-be 15 years, now.

But you’re not performing activism anymore – you’re swearing and cursing and ranting and daring people to come at you and hurting Bernie’s credibility.

I am literally tired of this.

As the activist adage goes, “We need to be gentle with one another, so that we can be dangerous together.”

You’re just dangerous to be around, right now. I have no particular affection for getting bit.


I’m not sure I really have anything to add onto what @nimelennar and @nemomen have said to you @Cowicide, but I will say one thing:

The last thing any of us should be doing right now is alienating our allies, to truly create a movement you need to work with those who have some disagreements with you. We are not clones of each other, we do not all share the exact same opinion set and this is a good thing.

If we embrace our differences and do not allow them to prevent us from working together they will allow us to reach out to many more people than we otherwise would be able to. A diverse movement is much better than an all or nothing movement. The quote @OtherMichael posted above does a very good job of saying this.

I am glad that not all of the BBS publishers and/or editors and/or writers and/or community members agree with each other, that would make the BBS a much more boring place, and one that I would probably have never become interested or involved in. Listening to those you do not agree with and then conversing with them in a considerate way will strengthen your argument and ideology.



Right now, to win the short game (the election), Clinton needs to reach out to Sanders supporters. To win the medium game (returning the Democratic party to its pre-DLC progressivism), Sanders supporters need to reach out to Clinton supporters. As for the long game, that will take winning over some chunk of everyone else.

Most people who support Clinton who aren’t idiots or assholes or oligarchs, and I don’t see any advantage in lumping them into the same group as Trump supporters as targets for bile.


Sanders is making some kind of statement in 3 hours or so.

Can’t say I’m expecting something positive (because a positive result is no longer possible). Didn’t he just have a meeting with Clinton?

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Let me say this: @Cowicide, it was largely because of your passionate postings here that I became a Bernie Sanders supporter. Thank you!

As for the rest… I’m the last person on the boards to say, don’t be pissed off at how it all turned out. I’m mad enough to tear up my Democrat registration and reregister as an Independent. So I won’t say, cannot say, don’t be mad.

But… I would hate to see you get banned for picking fights with other Mutants. Sure, it would have been great if BB had thrown more support Bernie’s way, but it did more than a lot of other news-ish blogs. And we all get disappointed in BoingBoing from time to time. But we’ve got a great community here, where most of the time, people listen politely even when they don’t agree. (That’s pretty rare on the Web.) We aren’t your enemy. A lot of us want to see change just as much as you do. So please, take a deep breath, take a break if you need it, but don’t blow things up by fighting.

After all, we’ve got a speech from Bernie coming up soon and I’d like to hear your thoughts on it. :slight_smile:

#######(Edited to add emphasis.)


Well stated.

Nothing is perfect; heaven knows, I have a petty gripe or two of my own regarding the site.

BUT… I still give Mark, Cory, Jason, Jeff, Xeni, Rob and Pesco credit where it’s due.

I’ve seen decent forums run into the freakin’ ground because the staff and admin just didn’t give a damn about anything but site traffic, ie, potential ad sales revenue.

Here it’s obvious that the powers that be are actually personally invested in the well being of the community, and that’s more than can be said about many social networks.


So, he’s not conceding yet, but he’s going to stop attacking Clinton and focus on bringing down Trump:

My guess is that this will make no one happy: not the hardcore Bernie supporters who want Bernie to fight until the bitter end, nor those who want Bernie to throw an endorsement and his full support behind Clinton to give the best chance at bringing down Trump, and certainly not the Trump supporters who want the Democratic infighting to continue all the way into November.

Is this the best option? In my opinion, it’s too soon to tell, but it should stop at least some of the internal agitation that the Democratic Party has been having to date.


He’s getting a fair bit of grief for it from Clinton supporters.

But if he did endorse Clinton his supporters would consider it betrayal of what they supported. I guarantee that any request I get for a donation to her campaign will get a rude response from me if he gives her access to his donator database.

I think it’s a tough line to walk and I imagine he discussed it with Clinton. It’s something that needs to be managed and done slowly. If at all. She might just look at the polls and go do whatever she wants, because she should beat Trump easily anyway (I see she got an endorsement from Dubya’s deputy Secretary of State, Dick Armitage yesterday. The big Kissinger endorsement can’t be too far away).

And I see someone is already planning to challenge him for his senate seat in a couple of years (although I suspect he might retire).

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I’m still amazed that Kissinger is still alive…


I do think this is the best option. Notice he’s not directly asking in so many words for people to support Clinton, though obviously Trump is a menace. In my dreams, he’s still leaving the option open to endorse Jill Stein instead and maybe campaign as her VP… but I doubt that will happen.

I like how he’s helped raise money for like-minded representatives. I would have liked to see him endorse Brand New Congress and/or other specific initiatives, as well.

I like how he encouraged people to run for local and state offices themselves.

I like how he’s promising to push the Democratic party as much as possible to get it to fight like conservatives.

And really, this isn’t just about him; he was the figurehead that supporters rallied around but it needs to be made into a lasting force to either fix the Democratic party or fuel a new party that’s strong enough to compete.


The technical term is “undead”.


Fair enough.

Resisting the national fascist GOP coalition to hold the office of POTUS and align for long term democratic socialism and Sanders’ campaign goals:

…Juan Gonzalez said that he belonged to the antiwar group Students for a Democratic Society in 1968, and that like some other members, he sat out the presidential election that fall. Richard M. Nixon beat Hubert H. Humphrey by less than a percentage point, and Mr. Gonzalez said he wondered whether the result could have been different.

“Our slogan was, ‘Vote with your feet. Vote in the street,’” he said. “I’m here to tell you that the slogan was right. The tactic was wrong.”

“Hopefully,” he added, “other generations learn from the mistakes of those who came before them.”


You live in Michigan, no? Until or unless the state abolishes the open primary, there’s no need to be registered with any political party. Next time you have to go to Secretary of State, re-register to vote.