Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton

Well, let’s see, she’s currently being investigated by the FBI… Nope, can’t think of any “unforeseen” events that might derail her bid for president.

(Seriously, isn’t this something people consider when they are selecting nominees?)


Why(** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton.

No better reason than Donald John Trump.

Great defining video.

No, that’s why to vote for Trump; to make the holocaust complete.

Except he doesn’t back the fucking TPP - Clinton actually looks worse than Trump on that very important score. As a foreigner, if the US isn’t going to get Bernie up to save the world, you can go wallow in your own shit with Trump for all I care. It’ll be amusing to watch from afar the logical conclusion of a concerted decades-long effort to thoroughly dumb down an electorate. Maybe it’s the wake-up call America needs.

And maybe Trump means what he says about the fucking TPP, which as I say, makes him preferable to Clinton for this foreigner. Despite his idiotic bluster, it’d be tough for him to be more of an arsehole warhawk than fucking Clinton.


I don’t know where you live, but most countries regularly elect jackasses. Trump isn’t even extreme for western first world countries, he’s basically playacting Berlusconi. Obviously the stakes are higher, since Italy doesn’t have nuclear weapons, and even if they did they’d be pretty great when they worked but you couldn’t count on them not to break down en route to the target.


Racist, homophobic, bigoted, sexist and discriminatory Donald Trump, is actively attempting to win over disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters.

Will Donald John Trump succeed?


…The GOP front-runner has ratcheted up his rhetoric against presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in recent weeks, calling her a “crooked” politician who is unqualified to be president. But when it comes to her challenger, Bernie Sanders, Trump has taken a notably softer tone, praising the Vermont senator’s rhetoric and encouraging him to launch a third-party bid…

How about, I will, if you will. Bring it.


Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton.

One reason is, because she unlike the remaining republican presidential candidates, supports legislation banning conversion therapy.

Hillary Clinton calls for ban on conversion therapy.

New legislation introduced in U.S. Senate to ban conversion therapy.

yeah funny how at the end of the day and a crazy circus of an election cycle nothing actually changes and it looks like the big financial string pullers are still going to get their candidate hillary. hurray for election theater.


the same people who got us into the mess we are in now get to keep the power…i was really hoping sanders would be able to bring some real change. ~sighs~ guess its is more of everything that is wrong with America and business as usual.


I keep meaning to ask…

What’s with the asterisks?


Do you have any idea how many times the Clintons have been subject to investigation? At this point it is exhausting.

And it isn’t that they are guilty of anything. It is that Bill Clinton has been extremely popular and Hillary Clinton has been seen as a threat for over a decade and the right wing decides every innocuous thing is a possible felony.

I mean there is an entire cottage industry devoted to attacking them. The National Enquirer creates crazy rumors about them nearly every week. Apparently the Clinton’s have done everything from steal White House furniture to foster an illegitimate child (Chelsea). Right wing sites run with the rumors and often create their own. Apparently at this point, Hillary is probably guilty of high treason and could be sentenced to death - if you believe the right wing gossip rags.

For some reason, Bernie Sanders’ most fervent supporters have decided sites like the The Blaze (created by conspiracy theorist Glenn Beck), The Daily Caller (featuring Ann Coulter and stories about which woman is the sexiest), Fox News (I mean come on!), etc. - are reliable sources of news when it comes to Hillary Clinton. It is weird. For the last 6 months reddit’s /r/politics has been full of links to full blown conspiracy sites and the most distorted partisan “news” sites ever or rewrites of “news” sourced from partisan sites. The ones I sometimes visit for pure entertainment value because they are so batshit crazy.

Perhaps Obama did bring Hope and Change. There certainly is a lot of hope that Hillary Clinton is guilty of some heinous crime so we can change to Sanders.



For the last 6 months reddit’s /r/politics has been full of links…

Oh. Never mind then.


It’s the “or why not” part… I guess @khepra doesn’t see it as a choice at this point?


Heh. You’d be surprised how many of the fervent Bernie supporters are on Reddit. Or maybe you wouldn’t. It is another one of those sites I visit when I need to see what the other echo chamber is saying.

Enough of it does manage to spread outside of /r/politics and /r/s4p. The speech controversy went from an anti-Clinton opposition research group America Rising to Bernie Sanders’ mouth. The Clinton Foundation apparently being a “slush fund” for the Clinton’s because a Charity Navigator refused to rate it since it operates on a different model than other charities. Benghazi of course, though that stopped eventually. …


One thing I disagree with Bernie about: we haven’t heard enough about Clinton’s damn emails.

Not until we’ve heard why exactly it was that she felt it necessary to go the dodgy private server route, and that she’s been given some appropriate penalty for ignoring security protocols, and keeping secrets from the only group allowed to keep secrets, ie her own government.


I couldn’t agree more!

Hillary has been the recipient of unprecedented and deliberate negative media coverage, as well as relentless politically motivated negative attacks by republicans. Even before she announced she was running for president, republicans who fear her as a presidential candidate, and know how formidable she is as a presidential candidate–have used all political and legislative means to attempt to derail her presidential aspirations.

Despite the unmatched negative media coverage and politically motivated negative attacks by republicans, Hillary still is on track to become the 45th President of the United States. This is a testament to how formidable Hillary actually is–as a presidential candidate.

Below are two news articles which report on the same study–regarding the unmatched negative media coverage Hillary Clinton has received.

…The study, conducted by social media software analytics company Crimson Hexagon, also found that “the media also wrote the smallest proportion of positive stories about her.”

The biggest news outlets have published more negative stories about Hillary Clinton than any other presidential candidate — including Donald Trump — since January 2015, according to a new analysis of hundreds of thousands of online stories published since last year.

Clinton has not only been hammered by the most negative coverage but the media also wrote the smallest proportion of positive stories about her, reports Crimson Hexagon, a social media software analytics company based out of Boston.

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Are you sure you don’t mean “surprised how many of the people on Reddit are fervent Bernie supporters?”

Yeah, we have. Email has become a primary way to communicate with people about everyday work processes, and a certain amount of candor is necessary for regular functioning. If you are concerned about how everything you might say in such a situation might be interpreted or misinterpreted when subjected to a bright public spotlight, then you change the way you interact with colleagues with whom you should ideally have an easy and open relationship.

I’ve been in a similar position (not of course high stakes like Clinton) and absolutely used personal email instead of work email when engaged in certain kinds of legitimate work discussions. Moreover, this turned out to have been a useful precaution.

In the political arena, email mining has become a popular tool for the radical right in the US. Rather than encourage its use, I would rather go in the other direction, and give email the same protections one has (or should have) in face to face conversations.

Now, the Goldman-Sachs speeches are another matter entirely. The fact that she is so unwilling to release those is highly suspicious.

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Many Bernie Sanders democratic supporters, will have second thoughts about voting for him and those that did will have second thoughts, given his unbelievable and hypocritical comments from yesterday.

Bernie Sanders, his campaign and supporters, have been railing about how the democratic presidential nomination and selection process, specifically rules governing how superdelegates vote-- is rigged and does not reflect the will of the voters.

Bernie Sanders, his campaign and supporters have been advocating that superdelegates should be required to cast their votes for a democratic presidential candidate, representative of the way the voting electorate cast their votes for a democratic presidential candidate in a primary or caucus.

Yesterday, Bernie Sanders, his campaign with virtually no mathematical chance of winning the democratic presidential nomination, called for a contested democratic convention. In the height of hypocrisy, Bernie Sanders expressed and advocated, that even if he does not win the popular vote, win the majority of elected/pledged delegates or win the majority of states–that the will of the democratic voting electorate should be overridden and ignored–and he (Bernie Sanders) should be the democratic presidential nominee.

This is sad and disturbing to say the least. Bernie Sanders comments today calls for a questioning of Bernie Sanders leadership, character, credibility, understand of political math (his chances of victory and roadmap to victory) and sadly, his grasp on reality.

MoveOn.org as a political organization is one of the biggest backers and supporters of Bernie Sanders. In the below linked article, even Ben Wikler, the Washington director of MoveOn.org, is in disagreement with Bernie Sanders.

“[S]uperdelegates shouldn’t overrule the will of the Democratic grassroots,” Wikler said. “If the primary and caucus winner is Hillary Clinton, then Clinton should be the nominee. If it’s Bernie Sanders, then Sanders should be the nominee.”

WASHINGTON — Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) vowed to take his fight for the Democratic presidential nomination all the way to the party’s convention in July, promising not to give up even if he continues to trail Hillary Clinton in pledged delegates…

…The second part of Sanders’ case is that superdelegates should look at who will be the strongest candidate against Donald Trump or whoever the eventual GOP nominee will be. Sanders argues that he is that person. He also said that even if Clinton wins the most pledged delegates, he would be fine with superdelegates supporting him and boosting him to the nomination — although it would violate his first point about reflecting the will of the people.

“At the end of the day, the responsibility that superdelegates have is to decide what is best for this country and what is best for the Democratic Party,” Sanders said. “And if those superdelegates conclude that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate, the strongest candidate, to defeat Trump and anybody else, yes, I would very much welcome their support

It makes you sad ?

I am pretty sure talking shit about Bernie Sanders is literally your favorite thing.

Anything you can complain about should be filling you with glee.

Speaking of which, you know astroturfing violates the community guidelines around here, right?


Hope my answer serves to appease your boggle. :pensive:

No particular, immense or definitive reason.

Just a play of the thread title "Why (or why not) to vote for Hillary Clinton…

…and another way of saying “Why to vote for Hillary Clinton” …

…or “Why (** *** ***) to vote for Hillary Clinton”